The Bonessi's Story
On a breezy fall morning in Austin, Texas, three of the Bonessi girls gathered around a table in their front yard for family devotional time, laughing and chatting with excitement. A cheery box with printed, yellow crowns had arrived, and they were eager to open it.
Little did they know that the Bible lessons they were about to explore would, through His Word, deepen their understanding of God and their bond with each other.
Their eyes wide with wonder, twin 6-year-olds Lillian and Jewel, along with their older sister Claire, 9, gingerly lifted the lid of the beautifully crafted box labeled The One Who Rescues. They took in the bright colors and neatly packaged craft materials. Claire thumbed through the glossy leader’s guide while Jewel flipped through the ring of memory cards. Lillian went straight for the crafts.
“They were so excited to open the crafts, and before we even started reading, we laughed so much because I could not pronounce Mephibosheth,” shared their mom, Jenny Bonessi.
Here is a clip from their unboxing:
A Seat at the Table, Forever
Unpacking the story of King David and Mephibosheth the Maker’s Box theme The One Who Rescues, thoughtfully illustrates how Jesus came to rescue humanity and welcome believers into His eternal family, giving them a place to belong.
While David’s journey from shepherd to king is a favorite among children, one of his most profound acts of kindness often goes unnoticed. In 2 Samuel 9, King David, seeking to honor his cherished friend, Jonathan, inquires if any descendants of Saul remain to whom he can show kindness. This is when he learns of Jonathan’s crippled son, Mephibosheth. Calling him to his court, King David reassures Mephibosheth of his safety, restores his grandfather Saul’s land to him, and grants him a permanent place at his table. This act signifies not just material provision but also a lasting relationship and honor – a place to belong.
This story parallels sinners and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, emphasizing the theme of grace and the importance of having a place to belong.
Inside a Child's Heart
Mrs. Bonessi could tell the message of belonging was really resonating with her girls when Claire, pausing in her coloring, unexpectedly shared a piece of her heart. She told her mom and sisters how she often felt left out in their family because she is not a twin. Claire said she knew she could come to her mom for comfort when she felt like she did not have anyone to play with, but then she said, “I like belonging.”

The Lesson Continues
Keeping it as simple as possible when homeschooling multiple children is a priority for Mrs. Bonessi. “Balancing the needs of so many different kids with different learning abilities at so many different ages and stages is overwhelming. The more learning our family can do together, the better,” she reflected.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” -Hebrews 10:24 NIV
But beyond efficiency, Mrs. Bonessi also pointed to another gift of doing family devotionals together – the memories the girls made during the lessons about God’s Word. Months later, not only do the girls all giggle when they remind each other of how their mom can’t pronounce Mephibosheth, but they also now have a meaningful context for helping each other feel included – just as King David did for Mephibosheth and as our Father in Heaven does for each of us.
“That is the beginning of ‘spurring one another on toward love.'”

Bring Maker’s Box™ Home
Maker’s Box was a solution for the Bonessi family. The box included everything they needed for their family devotionals, and the lessons were memorable for everyone around the table. If you want to enrich your family’s Bible lessons, consider using Maker’s Box to reveal the character of God to your children.