There are children in our communities who live with daily challenges and change. They have mothers who deeply love them and want the best for them, but aren’t always able to provide for every need.

Your gift today helps make them stronger.


Help single moms
be brave.

We serve single moms who are working towards self-sufficiency as they provide for their children.

Our ApproachBecome a Mentor

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Launch a Single Moms Community Program

When bravery and compassion meet, you will find heroes among us. At One More Child, we recognize some of these heroes are courageous single moms. We serve these moms and their children as they work diligently toward self-sufficiency and rediscover who God created them to be.

Since 2016, One More Child has helped facilitate this process through a residential-based care program at our various campus locations. However, we also desire to partner with churches to reach those who live beyond our campus walls to offer support, stability and encouragement.

One More Child Single Moms Community Program seeks to meet the needs of single-mom families in crisis by creating a network of care, guidance and support in local communities. This 10-week program, made available through our church and community partners, provides skills classes, mentorship and resources designed to help single mothers and their children thrive.

Help Single Moms
More Than

23 Million

There are more than 23 million children in the United States living in single-parent families (2023 KIDS COUNT Databook). Of the 10.9 million single-parent families with children under 18, 80% are single-mother households.*

*US Census Bureau America’s Families and Living Arrangements, 2022.

Meet our passionate and empowering leader.

Stephanie Harrison

Executive Director of Single Moms

Stephanie Harrison joined One More Child at the beginning of 2023 as the Executive Director of the Single Mom’s Program.

She has over twenty years of experience in leading worship teams, outreach ministries, and anti-trafficking initiatives through her non-profit work. She received her Master of Arts in Ministerial leadership in 2022, and thereafter accepted her current position at One More Child.

Stephanie’s passion for One More Child began years ago when she hosted a Run4One fundraiser for seven years, which donated 50% of the funds to One More Child’s Anti-Trafficking program. Since then, she has been a volunteer and donor for One More Child, and is now a vital part of the work we do.

In addition to being an advocate for women and children, Stephanie is passionately committed to equipping believers for ministry outside the four walls of the church, and leading them to live abundant lives available to them in Christ. Her favorite role however, is mother to her thirteen year old daughter, and one year old foster son.

Stephanie enjoys adventure and travel, especially if it involves the ocean, with her children. If she wasn’t called to ministry, she would want to live on an island and be a professional surfer.

Contact Stephanie

Phone: 863.687.8811

Make a donation to support more courageous mothers.

 Check out our most recent
Single Moms articles.


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