From the Desk of Dr. Haag
There is something special about shared experiences, especially at Christmas. This Christmas will be the first without my dad, and I have been reflecting on all the special Christmas traditions we shared as a family.
While we recall memories of my precious dad, Christi and I are rejoicing because of an incredible Christmas gift we received this year — our first grandbaby! We are so grateful for the legacy my dad has left and for the traditions we will carry on with our precious grandson.
As we come to the end of the year, I praise God for the power of legacy. For 120 years, One More Child has been moved with compassion toward vulnerable children in desperate need of hope at Christmas, much like Joshua*.
For six long months, Joshua moved from shelter to shelter with his mom, Amber*, a single mother of three. Joshua’s hope began to fade as he watched his mom struggle. They were running out of options when, in God’s providence, Amber was accepted to One More Child’s Single Moms residential program.
For the next year, Amber will walk alongside supportive One More Child staff and mentors on a path to self-sufficiency as she saves money, participates in parenting and essential life skills classes, and is connected to a local church.
Before their family’s arrival, our staff prepared Joshua’s room with thoughtful, handpicked decorations and some of his favorite toys. When he walked into his new room for the first time, Joshua quietly observed, hopeful to call this home.
Joshua timidly turned to Amber and said, “Mama, I like it here. Can we stay for a while?”
Amber replied, “Yes, Joshua. We get to stay here for a whole year!”
Joshua’s face lit up. He could no longer contain his joy as he gave his mom the biggest smile and bounced around his new room in excitement!
It brings me such joy to know that Joshua will be spending this Christmas with his family with the assurance that he is seen, safe, and loved! But there are countless children much like Joshua that still need our help.
My heart aches for the one in need of hope this Christmas — the foster child who has been removed from their home; the trafficked child whose Christmas will be marked by trauma; the single mom who desperately wants to provide a safe home with a tree full of gifts for her children; the hungry child who does not know where their next meal will come from during Christmas break.

Will you make your best gift so that one more child can experience the hope of Christ this Christmas?
Your generosity is what makes stories like Joshua’s possible.
Thank you for giving! We pray you have a wonderful Christmas.
Together for One More Child,

Jerry T. Haag, Ph.D., CFP®
One More Child
*Names changed for privacy