One More Child recently led a medical mission team to South Asia to provide critical medical care and meet dire needs in the name of Jesus. Thanks to...
Each year, our ministry partner in South Asia, a local church, plans a special Christmas celebration for the community. They share the Gospel, the Christmas story, and a...
Savings Groups in South Asia are paving the way for women who were once marginalized and shunned by society to find hope, acceptance, and transformation. This church-centered initiative...
*Fariha’s story is a reminder that transformation happens when the story of Christmas finds a home in our heart. Fariha*, an adult woman in her late 30’s, is...
Leaders from One More Child and members of a partner church came together for a mission trip that provided critical, transformative care to a family in Costa Rica. ...
Education has the power to create opportunities, cultivate success, and invigorate hope. For a special group of students in Haiti, access to education transformed their lives. One More...
Many struggling families and single moms work diligently to meet their family’s needs, but sometimes find that it is still not enough. This was the case for Beatriz*,...
One More Child is dedicated to helping children in need in the U.S. and around the world, and one way we accomplish this is through mission trips. Mission...
In Romania, a little girl named Lidia* and her family struggled to make ends meet, especially while caring for Lidia’s grandmother, Daria*. The family worked hard, but Daria’s...