As followers of Jesus, we are called to care for orphans and vulnerable children, sharing the outflow of grace that God blessed us with as His adopted children. In recognition of National Adoption Month this November, we celebrate the adoption of children into their forever homes and remember the need that still exists for thousands of children who are waiting to be adopted.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in 2021, more than 113,000 children across the country were eligible for adoption. These children waited, on average, almost three years to finally find their forever homes. Additionally, more than 19,000 children aged out of the U.S. foster care system without a permanent home or the emotional and financial support to set them up for success.
children eligible for adoption across the country in 2021
years is the average time a child waits for an adoptive family
children aged out of the U.S. foster care system in 2021
Care for children in need of adoptive homes is embedded into the history and mission of One More Child. Founded as an orphanage 120 years ago, we have since expanded our services to reach more vulnerable children, including those in foster care.
Reunification with biological families is the primary goal of the foster care system, if it is deemed safe and beneficial for the child. One More Child foster families often support biological families in working toward reunification. However, there are some situations when reunification is not an option. In these situations, many of our foster families choose adoption and embrace these children as a part of their forever family.
children adopted by One More Child foster families in 3 months
Earlier this year, in the span of three months, 21 children were adopted by One More Child foster families. With a generous, loving heart, these families gave God their “yes” when He presented them with a clear opportunity to care for the vulnerable—and now 21 children have found their forever home.
Each of these stories is worthy of great celebration! Here is a glimpse into two adoption stories from this year:
The Power of Advocacy
Due to a lack of consistent in-home care and uncertainty about the future, specialized needs of foster children can go unmet or not be addressed as they should. Foster parents can serve an important role as advocates for children with medical or special needs placed in their care.
This is exactly what the Branch* family did.
Licensed as foster parents through One More Child since 2020, the Branches welcomed Wesley* into their home in December 2022. Wesley, who has a hearing impairment, required specialized medical attention and unique care. From the beginning, the Branches advocated for Wesley— they have ensured he receives necessary services and obtains essential medical treatments that include appointments for cardiology, audiology, and genetics testing. Wesley now has hearing aids, and the family is teaching him sign language.
On October 28, 2024, the Branches officially adopted Wesley into their family. By the grace of God, and thanks to the great devotion of the Branch family, one more child has found a loving, Christian forever home!

An Adoption Proposal
In their 10 years of being foster parents, the Fullers* have experienced all the ups and downs of the foster care system, with amazing moments of joy and difficult moments of heartbreak. In 2017, three years after starting their journey in foster care, the Fullers welcomed 6-year-old Lucas* into their home.
For two and a half years, Lucas joined the Fuller family and experienced love and compassion that flowed from the Fullers’ devotion to Jesus. The plan for Lucas at the time was to stay with the Fullers temporarily and reunify with his biological father.
The Fuller family went above and beyond to aid in reunification efforts—they helped Lucas’ father acquire furniture and other household items after he was able to get his own place. And after Lucas reunified with his biological father, the Fullers maintained contact with him, spent weekends caring for him, and even mentored and provided assistance to Lucas’ biological father.
Sadly, in 2021, at 11 years old, Lucas had to be removed from the care of his biological father again, and due to the circumstances, reunification was no longer an option. The Fullers immediately said “yes” to Lucas joining their family again, first as a foster child, and then, as their adopted son.

When Lucas discovered that he could officially be adopted, he came to his foster parents with the adoption papers in hand, got down on one knee, and asked them to be his parents. The Fullers—no surprise—answered with an enthusiastic “Yes!”
When the Fullers shared this detail in the courtroom on the day of Lucas’ adoption, everyone, including the judge, was brought to tears. They were all overjoyed that, after being in and out of the foster care system for over nine years, Lucas finally found his forever home.
On June 20, 2024, the Fullers officially adopted 14-year-old Lucas into their family forever.
*Names and photos have been changed for privacy.
I Will Not Leave You as Orphans
In John 14:18, Jesus promises us,
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” (NIV).
When we put our trust in Jesus and choose to follow Him, God adopts us as His children; He comes to us in our struggle. As God has done for us, now we should go and do likewise.
There are about 369,000 children in the foster care system and more than 113,000 children waiting for someone to adopt them in the United States. Let us answer this heartbreaking reality as Jesus would, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”