Navigating the complexities of foster care can feel daunting, especially for those who doubt they have the parenting experience required to foster. However, the urgent need to provide stability and support for children in foster care is more pressing than any requirements.

To Christian families feeling prompted to foster or support our foster care ministry, we need you. And we want you to know that your call is valid and worthy – regardless of your qualifications.

Because God equips the called. The Graves family is proof.

No Experience Required

Haily and Robert Graves*, without prior parenting experience, felt compelled to explore foster care after consulting with other families. Despite their concerns about the challenges involved, they decided to take the leap of faith. Their plan was to start by fostering one child and considering taking in a sibling after they had some experience.

The couple swiftly completed One More Child’s licensing process and soon received an unexpected placement – a sibling set of three. This set included 3-year-old boy/girl twins and their 4-year-old sister, who had previously been placed in multiple homes. Heartbreakingly, the sibling set had only sometimes been placed together with the oldest sister occasionally being separated from the twins.

The Graves knew that accepting the siblings together was a big ask from God, but they leaned into it, knowing He would equip them. Each with siblings of their own who they could not imagine being separated from, the couple deeply desired to help keep the brothers and sisters together.

In his faithfulness, God equipped Haily and Robert with new morning mercies every single day since the siblings were placed. Despite their challenges as a family of five, they have witnessed God’s presence and guidance in their lives and the lives of the children they care for.

Through this journey, the Graves have experienced God’s grace and mercy in tangible ways, strengthening their resolve and deepening their faith. Their willingness to respond to God’s call has brought them closer to Him and allowed the couple to provide love and stability to three precious children who need a place to belong.

*Names changed for privacy. 

The Need is Urgent

While navigating the complexities of foster care can feel daunting, especially for those who doubt their qualifications as parents, the need to provide stability and support for children in foster care is more pressing.

Research shows that entering foster care is an adverse, often traumatic experience. When a child is removed from their home, it can lead to long-term developmental, mental health, and attachment challenges.

Despite the urgency of providing stability and permanency, the national average for achieving permanency within 12 months is only around 45%. In Florida, this rate is even lower, at approximately 30%.

MORE: Please read our Urgency of Permanency Care white paper for more information about this topic.

Complications to achieving permanency include financial strain, navigating a complex legal system, limited access to behavior support services, and systemic inequities. Given these challenges, foster care parents and robust wraparound support are needed – not only from the government but also from churches and community organizations like yours.

Initiatives like One More Child’s Foster Crew are crucial in providing the necessary support and resources to foster families, helping to address these complexities, and ensuring the well-being and stability of children in foster care.

The need for foster parents and wraparound support for these parents is critical and timely. No experience is required to begin supporting vulnerable children and struggling families in foster care.

Fostering with One More Child

One More Child’s Foster Care program dedicates itself to providing licensing and post-placement support to families in Florida and wraparound care to foster families nationwide through the Foster Crew initiative, meaning foster parents with any amount of parenting experience are well supported.

Become a Foster Parent:
  • Join our Foster Care program and share the love of Christ by opening your heart and home to children who have experienced trauma.
  • Our program guides Florida residents through licensing, including five to seven training classes, background checks, and home inspections.
  • After licensure and placement, receive ongoing encouragement and support from One More Child.

Review One More Child’s list of requirements for fostering. (Parenting experience is not one of them.)

Start a Foster Crew:
  • Partner with a local church where you live and One More Child to establish a Foster Crew in your community.
  • Mobilize church members to support foster families in many ways, such as super sitters, household helpers, meal makers, and prayer partners.
  • One More Child offers training, online tools, and ongoing support to help launch and manage a Foster Crew in your area.

Get Involved

You have the potential to make a significant difference in the lives of children in need, and One More Child is here to support you every step of the way. Don’t wait until you feel “experienced enough” to make a difference in the lives of those impacted by foster care. It is not required.


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