A Nervous "Yes" to Serve Foster Children

*Kelly and *Ronny Kim became licensed foster parents at the end of December 2023. Kelly, who had little prior parenting experience, felt extremely nervous about fostering. However, both Kelly and Ronny knew this was where the Lord was leading them despite the potential challenges. After completing the licensing process, they agreed to take in a 4-year-old girl in January. To ease her transition, they invested time in meeting her, scheduling park visits, and attending her dance performances.

Fostering Adventures

Unfortunately, the placement fell through when the girl was placed with her siblings, which was not the original plan. The Kims were disappointed but trusted that the Lord had another child for them. About a week later, a 1-year-old girl needed placement after being removed from a relative’s care. The Kims welcomed her with love and acceptance, and she quickly became part of their family. They have taken her on many adventures, including trips to Busch Gardens, boating, and visits to the park and beach.

Thriving Despite the Challenges

The Kims are planning a big birthday celebration for her, with Ronny building a wooden barn as a gift. While navigating the challenges of caring for an almost 2-year-old, they are growing through the process. The little girl is thriving in their home, and the Kims hope to adopt her once parental rights are terminated. Meanwhile, they have been providing respite care for the 4-year-old who was initially to be placed with them. The Kims have seen the Lord’s mysterious ways at work and remain committed to helping children in need, even through trials.

*Names changed for privacy.

How You Can Help Foster Children

Join us in making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. You can learn more about our Foster Care program, support foster families through our Foster Crews, or give a financial gift to help us continue this vital work. Your involvement can transform lives and bring hope to one more child today. You can also attend a virtual information session to learn more about fostering.


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