309 million people across 71 countries are grappling with chronic hunger…

There are 309 million people across 71 countries who are grappling with chronic hunger, according to The World Food Programme. Of these, 37.2 million are experiencing emergency levels of hunger, and 1.3 million are facing catastrophic conditions, particularly in Gaza, Sudan, South Sudan, and Mali. Conflict remains the primary driver of this crisis, with 70% of the world’s hungry living in war-torn regions.

In the face of such staggering statistics, One More Child’s Global Child Sponsorship program offers a powerful way to make a difference. By supporting children like Daniel, Laila, and Manuel, you can help break the cycle of poverty and provide hope where it’s needed most. Discover how your generosity can transform lives and create a brighter future for these children.

Nourishment and Education

Daniel is one of the youngest among seven siblings living in a small Ugandan village. His father works tirelessly as a laborer but struggles to provide for the family’s basic needs due to low wages. He attends public school, and the overcrowded classrooms with over 100 students make it difficult for him to focus and learn effectively.

Daniel’s life changed when he was sponsored during a One More Child short-term mission trip. Now, he will be transitioning to a private school run by our partners, where he will receive a better education and three nutritious meals a day. Daniel is thrilled about this opportunity and the brighter future it promises.

Medical Care and Christ-centered Mentorship

Halfway around the world, in a rural area of South Asia, Laila’s life has largely been characterized by fear, pain, and despair. She suffers from a medical condition that causes her left foot to swell, leading those in her local community to cruelly brand her as a witch.

But just as Daniel’s story took a turn for the better, so too did Laila’s when a One More Child ministry partner stepped in. Through sponsorship, Laila receives the medical care, education, and emotional support she needs to reclaim her life from fear and embrace a future of hope.

Brighter Futures

Thousands of miles away in Guatemala, Manuel, a bright and ambitious teenager, has recently transitioned into our partners’ scholars program. There, he will begin his secondary education. Coming from a family with limited resources, this opportunity is a significant milestone for Manuel. With each passing day, he is moving closer to his dreams of a better life, all because someone chose to invest in his future.

These are not just stories; they are real lives touched by your generosity. They are real children with real challenges and real dreams. By sponsoring a child through One More Child, you become an integral part of their journey. You are the reason Daniel can focus on his education, Laila can live without fear, and Manuel can aspire to endless possibilities.

Sponsor a Child Today

Your sponsorship is more than just a financial gift; it is a lifeline. One More Child’s Child Sponsorship program is hope delivered through meals, education, medical care, and the love of Christ every child deserves. Most importantly, sponsorship lets vulnerable children in developing nations know that God loves them and someone, somewhere, believes in them.

Join us in this life-changing mission. Sponsor a child today and become the light that guides them toward a brighter, more hopeful future. Together, we can ensure that every child’s story is one of joy, opportunity, and possibility that is rooted in the eternal hope of Jesus Christ.

For $42 a month, you can:
• Feed hungry children.
• Meet the medical needs of impoverished children.
• Provide clean water to communities around the world.
• Give children the opportunity to go to school.
• Share the Gospel.



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