One More Child recently led a medical mission team to South Asia to provide critical medical care and meet dire needs in the name of Jesus. Thanks to those who are willing to serve on mission teams, we have the opportunity to address medical needs of the children in our program.
Additionally, we meet needs of vulnerable children through our feeding program, which provides food baskets and hot meals to children in need, and our sponsorship program, which helps children receive an education, school uniforms, and the proper nutrition to thrive.
In the beginning of 2025, the team was able to offer comprehensive medical screenings for our sponsored children. This included general health check-ups, nutritional assessments, dental and oral health examinations, vision and hearing assessments, vaccination reviews, and reproductive health counseling and education. A team of eight doctors evaluated each one of our nearly 100 sponsored children.

During one of the screenings, Farida*, a 14-year-old girl, was diagnosed with a congenital heart condition, often explained as a hole in the heart, a critical condition that requires medical attention and treatment.
With this diagnosis, One More Child is now currently coordinating additional tests and follow-up care for her, and we ask for prayers for her well-being. We praise God for the life-saving care this team provided and the resources to assist with Farida’s treatment.
All the children’s files have been updated with their latest medical records, so our ministry partners have the correct information to follow up on any further health issues that require additional treatment.
We Your continued support and prayers provide life-savings treatment to children in dire situations around the globe. Together, we can make a difference in the life of one more child.
If you would like to give a financial gift to support our global ministry, visit our website here.