Many struggling families and single moms work diligently to meet their family’s needs, but sometimes find that it is still not enough. This was the case for Beatriz*, as she sought to care for her daughter’s medical needs.  

As a single mom, Beatriz lovingly cared for her daughter, Alejandra.* While living in Venezuela, Beatriz noticed a deviation in her 3-month-old daughter’s eye, but when she took her to a doctor, she was told it was normal. Her mother’s intuition told her something was still wrong, but unfortunately, she did not have the option to seek another doctor due to her difficult financial situation and limited access to healthcare.  

A few months later, Beatriz and Alejandra immigrated to Colombia and began a difficult process of trying to obtain medical insurance. While they succeeded initially and had some medical exams done, her insurance quickly expired, causing them to lose all healthcare benefits.  

Beatriz felt like she exhausted all her options to obtain healthcare for her daughter, but she still had faith that things would get better. She felt called to attend church and have church members pray over her daughter.  

A few days after attending church, Beatriz received a call from someone at the church, inviting the two of them to come to a medical center and receive care from a One More Child medical mission team. Beatriz graciously accepted and brought Alejandra to finally receive the medical care she needed.  

After initial exams, the medical team was able to get Alejandra the specific eye exams she needed, including a long-awaited appointment with an ophthalmologist. Now, Alejandra has the correct glasses for her vision difficulties.

Beatriz expressed immense gratitude for people’s generosity and commitment that made it possible for her daughter to receive this critical healthcare. She also felt particularly moved by the spiritual support they received from the church and from the medical team who prayed over Alejandra.  

Now that Alejandra’s medical needs are met, Beatriz feels great comfort and peace. Previously, others had judged Beatriz and considered her a bad mother for supposedly ignoring her child’s suffering, even though she was doing everything she could to help her daughter. This added to her stress in the past, but now Beatriz feels peace and joy in the Lord—she praises God for taking care of their physical and spiritual needs.  


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