In a leper colony in South Asia, a teenage girl named Meena* experienced isolation and hardship, causing her to feel hopeless about her future. At 15 years old, she faced challenges living as a disabled girl in this community. Then One More Child opened a daycare here, and Meena’s outlook started to change.  

This daycare center exists to provide family support and opportunities for vulnerable children in the community. In January 2024, a mission team from One More Child set up a brand-new computer lab at this center, which allows children to learn computer and internet skills, expand their knowledge through online tools such as educational videos, and connect with more areas of the world.

For Meena, who is part of One More Child’s sponsorship program, this was a tremendous blessing because it provided her with opportunities she did not have previously due to her disability. Meena expressed her love for her teacher and learning, saying it “opened up a whole new world.” 

Meena also experienced a transformation in her relationship with God. She shared, “My faith has grown stronger since I began attending the daycare; I’ve learned to pray and see the goodness in life despite my physical struggles.”  


Through child sponsorship and our ministry in South Asia, we also meet Meena’s daily, tangible needs. Overall, this ministry brought transformation to Meena’s physical wellbeing, educational opportunities, mental health, and faith in Jesus.  

Meena expressed her thanks in a letter saying,  

“I am so grateful to God for bringing such a wonderful ministry into our lives, meeting our needs, and giving me a chance for a better future. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported and believed in us. Your help is changing lives.”


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