Growing up in a rural area in South Asia, Laila’s life has largely been characterized by fear, pain, and despair. She has a medical condition that causes her left foot to swell up, which led others to begin calling her a witch. People’s apprehension towards her made her childhood difficult, lonely, and without much hope.

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit”
Psalm 34:18 (ESV)

But one day, our ministry partner met Laila and the trajectory of her life began to change. Through our sponsorship program she was able to finish school, which gave her hope and freedom to dream for the future. Now a 23-year-old woman, Laila dreams of becoming a nurse.

However, even after receiving newfound hope, Laila still experienced difficulties related to her medical condition including walking long distances and reaching the bus early in the morning. She wished she could have more independence so she would not have to depend entirely on others for help. Laila experienced educational and personal freedom, but she still longed for physical freedom in travel and transportation.

At her graduation, Laila was lifted up in prayer that she would receive a bike so she would have the freedom to travel independently without needing to rely solely on others— and God was faithful to answer that prayer.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”
2 Corinthians 3:17 (ESV)

Now, with her own bike, Laila has the freedom to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse while also experiencing the freedom of independence. Through One More Child’s programs and partners, God provided for Laila’s educational and physical needs, replacing her despair and fear with hope and freedom.

Sponsorship can change lives and rewrite stories of struggle into stories of hope. Thank you for your support— you helped make a transformational impact in the life of one more child.

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