A Full Circle Moment for Single Moms

At One More Child, we witness how courage, determination, and God’s grace converge to raise up heroes among us. Some of the bravest are the single moms we have the honor to serve.

Since 2016, One More Child has been making a difference in the lives of single moms through our Single Moms residential-based care program. The program is available across several campus locations. However, we know we can reach more moms, children, and families beyond our campus walls when we partner with churches through our Single Moms Community program.

The Single Moms Community Program is designed to meet the unique needs of single-mom families in crisis by establishing a network of care, guidance, and support within local communities. This 10-week program, offered through our church and community partners, equips single mothers and their children with essential skills, mentorship, and resources to thrive.

Tomasa’s Story

Recently, the Single Moms program staff celebrated a full-circle moment when they hosted an in-person training session for a Single Moms Community Program at Faith Celebration Church in Florida. Not only was the session a resounding success, with passionate volunteers sharing their ideas and talents, but a hero was present.

tomasa single moms community program leaderAs a Single Moms residential program graduate, Tomasa has a powerful story of grace, restoration, and hope. Standing in front of the attendees, she told her story.

“I was at my breaking point. I knew I wanted better for myself and for my children but felt stuck. I prayed, ‘God, if you open a door, I will know that is where I’m supposed to be.’”

After exploring other options, a door did open for Tomasa – and it was a door to One More Child’s Single Moms residential program.

“From the [beginning], the support and love we were surrounded with were unreal…For the first time in my life, I was able to escape the things that had been haunting me.”

During her time in the program, she deepened her relationship with God, found her home church, and ended a toxic relationship. Then, doors continued to open for Tomasa. She landed the job of her dreams. She also saved more than $14,000 and established a healthy routine with children.

Tomasa also dreamed of buying a home. After graduating from the program, she declared to the beloved staff, “Next time you see me, it will be in my own home.” This year marks four years since she moved in.

Today, Tomasa is a licensed therapist, a full-time doctoral student, and leading a One More Child Single Moms Community Program at her church. She believes God is using the painful parts of her story for His glorious purpose – turning the ashes of her life into beauty!

To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3 (NKJV) 

Tomasa is not just making a difference in the lives of her congregants and the single moms she serves through the Single Moms Community Program, she is also leaving a legacy for her children. Tomasa’s son recently graduated from high school with an associate degree, and she is so proud.

Tomasa is a testament to the courage and determination of single mothers. But at the end of the training at Faith Celebration Church, she did not forget to acknowledge the divine influence on her story.

Her tearful declaration, “God made this happen!” was a powerful ending to the session and resonated deeply with everyone in attendance.

Say "Yes" to Single Moms

One More Child is committed to providing critical wraparound support to single mothers, empowering them to transform their stories and strive, with courage and determination, to create better futures and leave meaningful legacies for their children.

With your help, we can do more. Will you say “yes” to struggling moms like Tomasa and provide resources, mentorships, training, and encouragement to the financially struggling mom, the pregnant mom questioning to choose life, and the single mom wondering if she can provide? Here are two ways you can say “yes:”

Apply to become a Single Moms mentor. We have several options you can prayerfully consider that can seamlessly align withy our schedule.

Make a gift today.  If we work together, we can transform families worldwide – starting with one more mom.


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