“I call on the people of the United States to recognize the contributions single parents are making, sometimes under great hardships, to the lives of their children, and I ask that they volunteer their help, privately or through community organizations, to single parents who seek it to meet their aspirations for their children.”

—President Ronald Reagan

In 1984, President Reagan issued this heartfelt challenge during a proclamation that established March 21 as National Single Parent Day. This challenge to celebrate and support single parents is an integral part of One More Child’s mission to serve vulnerable children and struggling families.

We recognize the perseverance, the devotion, and the sacrifices of single parents everywhere—today, we honor their stories.

Outline: The Story the Numbers Tell

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are roughly 10.9 million single-parent households in the United States, 80% of which are run by single mothers.


single parent households in the U.S.


of single parent households run by single mothers

Statistically, single parents in the United States face greater economic hardships, compared to the rest of the population. Approximately 28% of single mothers and 15% of single fathers live in poverty, both of which are significantly higher than the 5% poverty rate of married parents.

single moms live in poverty
single dads live in poverty
married parents live in poverty
children living with single parents

Children living with single parents—of which there are more than 23 million in the United States—often face instability and challenges unique to their family dynamic. Many of these children have parents who deeply love them and want the best for them. However, their parents don’t have the resources or support systems to succeed.

It is One More Child’s mission to serve these children and families. Our ministry serves single parents who need support, stability, and encouragement as they fight to better their lives and provide their families with a future of hope and possibility.

In Revisions: Can We Get a Rewrite?

Single parents everywhere are striving to rewrite their stories of struggle into stories of resilience—and One More Child is honored to come alongside these parents as they fight for their children’s future.

One More Child’s Family Support program is designed to offer support to parents in need before the child welfare system intervenes. Our Family Support services include access to tangible resources, parenting workshops, programs for children in at-risk communities, counseling, and more. These services empower single parents and struggling families to break cycles of poverty and lead their families with strength and dignity. 

One More Child also provides services that directly impact those who account for four in every five single parents. Our Single Moms program mainly consists of two initiatives to support single moms and present a path to self-sufficiency. In our Single Moms residential program, single moms establish goals, develop budgets, save money, learn life skills, and receive spiritual guidance while living in a safe, comfortable residential setting for approximately 12 months. The Single Moms Community Program is a 10-week program with specialized curriculum focused on essential skills in parenting, finance, and spiritual growth.

One More Child seeks to offer the support and resources single parents need to care for their children with confidence and build brighter futures for their family.

In Final Drafting: A Story of Resilience

According to Lauren,* at the beginning of her story, she was “just another statistic”—a single mother without a high school diploma, struggling to cover the bills. At 31 years old, Lauren decided she wanted a better life for her children than she could provide at the time, so she dedicated herself to getting her GED.

During the day, Lauren would work to provide for her family and then would attend classes at night. After a year of hard work and persevering through moments in which she was tempted to quit, she earned her high school diploma. As this advancement in education began to open up more possibilities for Lauren, she decided to enroll in college to become a physical therapist assistant. Lauren now had a clear goal—a dream—that could provide a promising life of stability and possibility for herself and her children.

Lauren worked harder than she ever had before and earned a spot on the dean’s list with 4.0 GPA. Then, just as everything was seemingly going right for Lauren, she found out her new class schedule would conflict with her work schedule. Shocked and dejected, Lauren believed she would have to quit school so she could meet her children’s needs. Amid her disappointment and confusion, Lauren began to pray.

The next day, Lauren received a call from a friend inviting her to stay at their home so she could continue her education. Lauren graciously accepted, praising God for His provision. But after three months, the situation changed, and they had no place to go. Lauren began to pray again.

God provided through another friend, giving Lauren and her children a home for another few months, but this arrangement eventually fell through as well.

Lauren’s mental health and faith began to suffer, as depression and anxiety set in. She questioned her decisions and spent her nights crying, pleading with God to provide a path forward. After a few weeks, Lauren set a deadline and decided if she didn’t receive a miracle soon, she would have no choice but to quit school and go back to work full-time. Shortly after setting this deadline, Lauren saw a post on social media that caught her eye—a post about One More Child’s Single Moms program.

As quickly as she could, Lauren called the number and got connected with One More Child’s Single Moms team. They set Lauren up in the residential program, providing her family with safe and steady housing while Lauren completed her education. When they entered their new home, Lauren shed tears of joy as her children turned to her with eyes lit up, asking, “This is all for us, Mom?”

Jennifer’s story: a single mom and her children visit their old home with One More Child five years later

With this new love and support, Lauren continued her classes and clinical rotation and graduated with an Associate of Science in physical therapy assisting. Then, due to her diligent work and high test scores, she was selected to be one of the first to take the National Board exam four months early. Lauren passed her boards and was certified as a physical therapist assistant.

Lauren’s life is on a new path of flourishing, but even more than her educational and professional advancement, Lauren expressed her gratitude for the spiritual support and growth in her faith. She shared with our team, “I could not have ever reached this point without the grace of God and One More Child. The faith you have given myself and my children is something I am forever grateful for.”

Lauren’s story began in a place of struggle and suffering, but God decided her story would not end there. As the “author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2, NKJV), the Lord intervened and rewrote her life story into one of resilience and hope.  

*Name and photo changed for privacy.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Lauren and countless single parents have incredible stories of resilience that illustrate the power of hope and compassion. But ultimately each of these stories point to an even greater story of love—the greatest story ever told.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16 (NIV)

From the very beginning and for all eternity, God is telling His great story of love for us. As followers of Jesus, we live in this great love story and, because of His great love for us, we seek to show His love to others—especially to those who are struggling and those who are vulnerable.

As One More Child seeks to uplift and write stories of resilience, we are continuously reminded that these stories are possible only through the greater story of God’s love. Let us rejoice in the greatest story ever told!  

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