A Working Car Makes All the Difference

For single moms, access to a working car simplifies countless tasks. Managing work schedules, school drop-offs, doctor appointments, and getting groceries home in enough time to prepare dinner becomes much easier with reliable transportation. Join us in celebrating with these moms whose needs for reliable transportation were met through the support of One More Child staff, volunteers, and donors like you.

LEARN MORE: Our care for single moms.

When She Needs to Get Her Child to School

single moms recycled rideBefore receiving a vehicle through the Recycled Rides Program, *Latoya and her teenage daughter faced the daily challenge of getting to school and work. They often relied on walking or coordinating carpools or expensive rideshares without reliable transportation. The routine was a regular source of anxiety and stress, consuming both time and money.

But Latoya was a determined single mom. Her exceptional participation in our Single Moms program meant she met all requirements of the Recycled Rides Program, so she was nominated for and received a beautiful Nissan Rogue! This vehicle now offers Latoya and her daughter safe, reliable transportation to all the important places they need to be.

“Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.” Proverbs 13:4 (NLV)

One More Child celebrates Latoya’s participation in the Single Moms program and commends the commitment of our Single Moms staff and volunteers, who support moms like Latoya in building the lives their children deserve.

RELATED: Geico Partnership Gets Moms On the Road Again

When There Isn't Enough for Repairs

single momsWhen the Meyers* family replaced their 2012 Ford Flex, affectionately called “Big Red,” they saw an opportunity to bless a single mom in need. The Myers contacted our Single Moms residential program in Jacksonville and learned that a mom of three, Catrina*, needed a reliable vehicle. With the holiday season approaching, Catrina faced the overwhelming news that her 2007 van required several hundred dollars in repairs—an expense she couldn’t afford at any time of the year.

But God was working through the Myers family—because, although they didn’t know it, Catrina had been praying for miracles!

One More Child staff expedited the paperwork, ensuring the title and keys were delivered to Catrina just before Christmas. Already a meaningful gift, Mrs. Myers went a step farther to connect with the grateful single mom, sharing her personal insights about the car and adding an extra blessing with gas cards enclosed in a Christmas card.

As a new believer, Catrina was humbled that a holy God would answer her prayers in such a profound and unexpected way. Her 8-year-old son declared it was the best Christmas ever.

RELATED: Foster Family Helps Biological Mom Buy a Car

How You Can Help a Single Mom

While reliable transportation is a major concern for many of the single moms we serve, donating a car is not the only way to make a difference.

Our Single Moms program aims to support single moms on their unique journeys to self-sufficiency in various ways. One More Child offers a residential program for Florida moms in several locations and a Single Moms Community Program that can be implemented in any community nationwide.

The Single Moms Community Program is often led by church volunteers that help moms develop essential parenting, financial, and spiritual skills. Each church partner receives training and instruction from One More Child staff and is equipped with a curriculum guide to help facilitate discussion and engagement with the moms in its group.

Become a mentor. Single mothers like Latoya who are on the road to self-sufficiency are able to break cycles of hopelessness for their families with the Lord’s help and with people who stand alongside them to offer their partnership in prayer, a listening ear, and guidance in reaching their goals. The best part is One More Child provides all the necessary curriculum and support to make mentoring fit into your schedule. Learn more today.

Submit an inquiry to start helping single moms in your community today. A One More Child staff member will contact you to help you launch a Single Moms Community Program where you live.


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