Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Loving the Children Doesn’t Stop When They Leave! Today our team was blessed by experiencing a special monthly event at the Malnutrition Center. The family of…
Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Loving the Children Doesn’t Stop When They Leave! Today our team was blessed by experiencing a special monthly event at the Malnutrition Center. The family of…
Monday, August 4, 2014 There’s a FIRST time for everything! This is the FIRST Monday in August. It is the FIRSTBaptist Church at the Mall’s FIRST day at…
Sunday Today marked the start of our work here in Guatemala with the Orphans’ Heart Malnutrition Center. Following a delicious breakfast (cooked by perennial favorites Art and ready…
This past week, the students have been taking midterm exams! While they were testing, we have been making lots and support! God bless!
This week at Genesis School we focused on pulling small groups to help the students who have been falling behind in learning their skills. Within these small groups…
Hola Y’all! Today is the bittersweet day, our last day with the children, nannies and visit….soon & often!! So for now…”Dios te bendiga!” (God bless you!) from the Summer Grove/Chets…
Wow! What an incredible week this has been. From the moment I stepped off the bus Monday, this experience has been tremendously emotional and also their own families,…