“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8b (ESV)
Cereal with water. It was all Darlene* had to feed her family, and she had no idea where the next meal would come from. Darlene calls it the lowest moment in her life, one she says she will never forget.
With no support, no food, no car and no job, she and her husband Cole struggled to provide. When Darlene got pregnant, she thought about aborting the baby. Soon after, little Laney was born, and things started looking up for the couple. Cole got a job at a warehouse, and the young family did its best to make ends meet.
When COVID-19 hit, Cole was laid off from his job. “We ate a lot of rice and eggs. For every meal, that was all we had,” Darlene said.
When Darlene found herself pregnant with her third child, she searched online to find out how she could abort that baby.
“I was very lost and felt very afraid.”
You or someone you know may be in a similar situation: a failed career, shameful past, uncertainty of the future. The hard seasons of life steal every ounce of goodness and grab at all glimmers of promise. It leaves you questioning if you will ever be secure again as you doubt if you will ever be whole again. Worst of all, it leaves you questioning if you have the strength to pick up the crumbs and piece yourself back together. The crumbs seem too small, and the pieces are too shattered.
You are not required to pick them up.
You are not required to pick up the broken pieces, and you are not required to sweep up the crumbs. You are only required to walk confidently and freely in God’s perfect purpose for your life.
One More Child exists to provide Christ-centered services to vulnerable children and struggling families. Our campuses allow children and families around the world to know the love of Christ, and God uses people like you to make a difference.
Darlene no longer needs to worry about where or when her next meal will come. She was referred to One More Child in February of 2020, and volunteers in our Family Support program have been able to help Darlene’s family get the resources needed like food, clothing, and other household items. Families continue to be helped when they come to One More Child’s Family Support program because of your dedication to help and your heart to serve.
“I feel so supported at One More Child,” Darlene said. “I can pour my heart out, and there is no judgment.”
Our calling as Christians, and at One More Child, is to point others to Christ as we act justly to fight for the widowed and the orphaned, love kindness through caring for the needy, and walk humbly as we serve others in God’s name.
You cannot pick up every crumb and piece people back together. You cannot make people whole and sweep up all the dirt in this world; but you can know the One who takes the tiny, broken, forgotten crumbs and makes something beautiful, new and whole out of them.
Child hunger can end one full belly at a time. We are grateful for the impact YOU make as you give each month to make a difference.