You Don't Have to Be a Foster Parent to Help

As Christians, we recognize that we cannot solve all the world’s problems alone. However, we do believe God has a unique plan for each of us and equips us to address the challenges set before us.

Often, the Lord places specific individuals in our path who need our help. That individual could be a foster child who needs a family. For the Meltons’, it was several foster children and foster families who needed a crew.

Thanks to Zeke

foster kidThe Meltons were a cherished One More Child foster family when they welcomed a young boy named Zeke into their home. Zeke faced significant challenges. He had experienced significant trauma and struggled with lying and self-esteem. But the Meltons were committed to providing him love, support, and a sense of belonging.

Zeke experienced many transformative moments during his time with the Meltons. The family worked faithfully with Zeke, patiently encouraging him, guiding him, and introducing him to church and Jesus Christ. While in their care, Zeke accepted Jesus as his Savior and was baptized.

foster family birthday partyBefore he moved on to his next home, the Meltons threw him his first-ever birthday party. He was nine.

When it was time for him to transition to a new home, Zeke asked his caseworkers to place him close to a church so he could keep attending. It is incredible how the Lord used the Melton family to lead this little boy to Jesus!

The Meltons’ impact on Zeke’s life is a powerful reminder of the importance of foster families and their role in providing stability and spiritual guidance to children in need. As Zeke embarks on the next chapter of his life, we ask for prayers for his continued growth and easy access to a church family wherever he goes.

All foster children need our fervent prayers. Many of them endure unimaginable trauma that even some adults never experience.

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” 
Proverbs 3:27 NIV

Today, the Meltons are still answering the Lord’s call to serve orphans by supporting foster families through Foster Crew. Inspired by their own experiences, they are committed to launching multiple Foster Crews in their tri-county area, providing much-needed support and community to foster families.

The Meltons’ passion for Foster Crew stems from their own longing for the wrap-around support of a church community during their own fostering journey.

Why You Should Start a Foster Crew

In a world where more than 391,000 children** need loving homes, the call to action for Christian families is clear: help.

With Foster Crew, you can make an impact in a simple way. Whether you cook meals, mow the lawn, play with kids, attend court dates, or cook meals, mow the lawn, play with kids, attend court dates, or provide emotional support and prayer, your contributions matter. Your efforts will lighten their load and strengthen their resolve.

One More Child will provide the training, resources, and support you need to get started. Partnering with One More Child means joining a network of compassionate individuals and organizations committed to transforming the lives of children in foster care. With our resources and support, you can empower your community to rally around foster families and ensure every child has the love and stability they deserve.

With God’s guidance, each of us is empowered to make a difference. All we need to do is respond faithfully when those moments arise. Together, we can reach one more family, one more child, and one more act of kindness at a time. Launch a Foster Crew at your church today.


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