Inside the Hearts of a Foster Family

While providing a child in need a haven and supportive environment during challenging times is one way foster care impacts the next generation, it can also profoundly impact the biological children living in a home. This was true for the Kennett family from Tallahassee, Florida.

This is their family’s heartwarming story — one that emphasizes the ripple effects compassion and generosity can have on the next generation.

The Kennett Family's Story

The Kennett family, originally licensed in 2019, served as foster parents with One More Child for several years. When reflecting on their experience, foster mom Jessica Kennett shared a moving revelation about how fostering has impacted her two biological daughters.

READ: Jessica’s Testimony about Becoming a Foster Parent 

Recently, Jessica’s oldest daughter, Larissa*, delivered a moving speech in 4-H, sharing what she loves about being a foster sister. Larissa said she enjoys meeting fellow foster families, playing with young children, and having a chance to be helpful – noting that two-year-olds always need a snack.

She also shared that she loves watching her foster brothers and sisters relax and laugh when they play. “I feel happy when they are happy,” Larissa said.

READ: Larissa’s 4-H Speech About Being a Foster Sister 

Meanwhile, Jessica’s youngest daughter, Penelope*, age six, expressed her plans to become a foster parent with innocent and endearing sincerity.

In an interview with our Foster Care staff, Penelope revealed that her favorite part of being a foster sister is playing with the adorable children who momentarily became part of their family. She said, “They are my brothers and sisters.”

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”  –Proverbs 22:6 NLT

When asked about her life plan and having children of her own, Penelope’s responses were delightful and poignant.

“I’m gonna move to Georgia and get a big truck that’s red,” Penelope declared confidently, revealing her adventurous spirit. But what she said next was truly moving.

She continued, “I’m gonna adopt two babies…I will foster, and then if I think fostering is good for me, I’ll do it again and again, and then I’ll adopt.” And just before she finished, she summed it all up by saying, “So that’s my plan for life…I’m gonna grow up, and I’m gonna be a ninja.” 

Penelope’s innocence and compassion shine through her words, embodying the essence of love and selflessness that defines the Kennett family’s fostering journey. 

*Names changed for privacy.

How You Can Help

The Kennett family’s story is a remarkable one. It can remind us of the profound impact of fostering not only on the lives of the children but also on the hearts—big and small—of those who open their homes and embrace vulnerable children as a family.

One More Child is a private, faith-based organization. In 2024, we celebrated 120 years of dedication to providing Christ-centered care services. Last year, we provided 154,947 days of care to foster children and served 2,700 individuals and 532 foster care homes.

Whether you are inspired to service by the needs of foster children or by a desire to impact the next generation to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, One More Child offers many ways to serve through our Foster Care program.

Start a Foster Crew: A Foster Crew is a collaboration between a local church and One More Child designed to mobilize church members to support foster families in their community.

Whether as advocates, household helpers, meal makers, or prayer partners, One More Child equips individuals with the information, training, and tools necessary to start and manage a Foster Crew in their area.

Take the first step in starting a Foster Crew at your church today. 

Become a Foster Parent: Our program supports individuals who embody the love of Christ through foster care, opening their hearts and homes to children who need a place to belong. We guide potential foster parents through the licensing process, and when a child is placed, One More Child remains steadfast in providing ongoing encouragement and assistance to our foster families. 

Learn more about becoming a foster parent with One More Child. 

Apply to Live in a Foster Family Home: Our Foster Care program offers licensed foster parents in Florida the opportunity to reside rent-free in homes One More Child maintains. Our innovative Foster Family Home model allows foster parents to access fully furnished, multi-room homes, ensuring they have the space and resources needed to care for sibling groups.

Explore opportunities to lead a One More Child foster home. 

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Join us for information sessions every Tuesday, 7 – 8:30 p.m. EST!


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