One More Child strives to share the expertise we have gained over multiple decades of working in child welfare with our ministry partners all around the world. Through comprehensive trainings, we aim to empower these partners to transform entire communities, ensuring they can effectively support vulnerable children and families.
Our Global department frequently offers various online trainings. Following the completion of our most recent online training session on Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) by a certified staff member, One More Child’s church partner in Colombia invited our staff member to present an extended, in-person training session.

As a result, we had the opportunity to hold an in-person TBRI-caregiver training, consisting of four sessions for a duration of six hours, with around 80 attendees. Several schools were represented among the attendees, along with churches, representatives from the Department of Child Welfare, and around 20 staff members from the local medical clinic in the region. The goal was to better equip those who presently work with children from hard places.

We are grateful that the training was well-received, equipping attendees with new ideas and the necessary tools to work with children who have experienced trauma.
If you have are involved in a global ministry that could benefit from participating in these trainings, join our Global Network for free. We provide these trainings to give you the necessary tools to reach one more child with the love of Christ.