How I came to sponsor

“How someone comes to sponsor a child is different for each person. I selected my first sponsored child because she was listed as high priority, she is from Uganda and she lives with her grandparents. I have family that live in Africa too and my grandparents were very special to me. During two trips to Uganda, I felt led to sponsor three children who live with the village pastor. My late mother-in-law faithfully served as a pastor’s wife for over 51 years in ministry. She loved children, sang in the choir, taught Sunday School for years, and especially had compassion for those whose childhoods were less than ideal. It is an honor to come alongside another pastor and his wife who have opened their hearts to provide a loving family for precious children that needed a home. It has been said that, “What you leave as a legacy is not what is inscribed on monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” Her testimony and the life she lived showed me what it means to leave a legacy that matters.”

– Janice Walker, Child Sponsor

sponsor with sponsored girl in Uganda during mission trip
sponsor with sponsored child in Uganda
Child sponsorship is a wonderful way to leave a legacy for Christ that will last for eternity. You can make a difference in the life of one more child.


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