Mission Update from One More Child

Every week, the leadership and staff of One More Child come together for prayer and devotion to celebrate the encouraging development in our ongoing mission to serve vulnerable children and struggling families, all for the glory of God.

Here is a glimpse into the good news of the recent activities and accomplishments at One More Child:

Family Support

Recently, we heard an encouraging testimony about a young man who successfully completed the Hope For Youth (HFY) program. Referred by the Juvenile Diversion Program, and despite his initial hesitance to engage, HFY staff supported and guided this young man through various curricula to support his academics, manage his anger, address important social skills, provide mentoring, and more. His family attended his graduation ceremony and proudly witnessed him receive his certificate of completion, which he promptly hung on his wall at home! The young man’s mother was especially thankful to the One More Child HFY staff for helping boost her son’s confidence while providing meaningful family support.


We are excited to have two One More Child Global mission teams serving in Guatemala this week. Both teams will continue serving throughout the week in our child sponsorship and feeding programs and sharing the gospel in schools. The first team will also have the opportunity to explore the beautiful ancient city of Antigua, and the second will be able to visit the Mayan ruins. Guatemala continues to develop after years of civil and ethnic unrest, and hunger and growth stunting among children continue to be a challenge in the country. We ask for your prayers as our teams serve the Lord overseas. We are incredibly grateful for our mission trip leaders and the impactful work being done through them there.

Learn more about going on a mission with One More Child.

Special Events

We are celebrating the success of this year’s Women of Compassion (WOC), held last Friday. Approximately 250 women gathered to support One More Child’s various ministries. It was a morning filled with fellowship, insightful updates on our plans for the Tampa campus, and worship led by Radiant Collective. The panel discussions were enlightening and featured notable community members and a beloved volunteer. Overall, it was an incredible event that moved many to support One More Child’s mission to reach vulnerable children and struggling families with the love of Jesus.

Single Moms

A mom working through One More Child’s Single Moms program received a donated vehicle from the National Body Auto Council’s (NABC) Recycled Rides Program and Traveler’s Insurance, providing her and her teenage daughter with safe and reliable transportation. The mom had been an exemplary program participant and met all of the program’s requirements. One of our Single Moms supervisors nominated her for a vehicle, and we are elated to report that she was blessed with one!

Previously, the mom and daughter were forced to rely on walking or ride-shares to get to school and work, but this generous gift has alleviated numerous challenges and expenses for the family. They expressed immense gratitude to One More Child, the National Body Auto Council, and Traveler’s Insurance, attributing the blessing to God.

Thank you for your continued prayer and consistent support as we strive to provide Christ-centered services to vulnerable children and struggling families.


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