Romania is a beautiful country, rich in history and culture. It is home to numerous castles and fortresses, and to the famous Carpathian mountains. Post-communist Romania is home to many driven individuals working toward political and social progress. However, during this extended season of healing and development, the children of Romania need our help! According to a study by the World Bank, 25 percent of the Romanian population live on less than $5.50 a day, and about 28 percent of the poor live only on crops they grow themselves.
One More Child’s partnership with a local ministry creates ministry opportunities in Romania to serve the severely impoverished Roma population living in gypsy villages.

Mission Trips
Ministry opportunities in Romania for short-term mission teams may include visiting homes and distributing food and supplies to children in gypsy villages. Teams can engage children with the gospel through Vacation Bible School, crafts, games, cooking classes, and more. They can be a blessing by visiting with foster children to share a home-cooked meal with loving long-term foster families and by encouraging national ministry partners in their daily work.

Child Sponsorship
One More Child’s sponsorship program provides children in Romania educational opportunities, regular nutrition, necessary medical care, and consistent opportunities to hear the gospel.

Community Development
Through targeted feeding programs, social work counseling, and education accountability – children and families in our programs have access to the support they need to thrive; especially those living in foster homes and in gypsy villages. Most importantly, everyone hears the gospel of Christ and the hope that exists by belief in Him.
YOU CAN Make a Difference Globally

Go On Mission
Experience being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in tangible ways to impact children and families around the globe.
Ministry Opportunities in Romania could include:
- Social work
- Outreach
- Foster care
- Ministry partner engagement
- Cultural exposure

Sponsor a Child
Child Sponsorship meets the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of children all around the world. For only $42 a month you can provide critical nutrition, education, medical care, and opportunities to grow spiritually to a child in poverty. You will also be able to build a relationship with your sponsored child through letters. Join one of our mission trips to visit your sponsored child.

A gift of any size will make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children around the globe. Give a gift today and plant hope and a future for a child in need. Your gift can be used to provide hot meals to hungry children, a clean water well for a whole community, a college education for a young adult, or a safe home for a family in need around the world.
You can change lives through your prayers!
Prayer is a powerful tool, that’s why we invite you to pray for children and families in Romania.
Pray for:
- Stable and safe home environments.
- Spiritual mentorship for children and families especially in gypsy villages and foster families.
- God’s provision for their physical needs.
- Continued educational opportunities that provide a way out of poverty.

Stories of Global Impact

Access Helpful RESOURCES
Thank you for your heart for vulnerable children and families around the globe. Access helpful flyers and videos to share about our global ministry locations with your network of friends and family. If you are joining us on a mission trip, we offer a variety of resources that will help you prepare for and promote your trip.