We are making a long-term impact through Community Development Projects that:

Provide a Christ-centered approach to connect the life-changing love and hope of Jesus through Christian community and leadership.

Partner with like-minded nationals that are Christ-centered to be a part of a mutually beneficial, long-term ministry.

Sponsor children to support a child’s education, health, nutrition and spiritual formation.

Go on mission trips to provide hands-on learning and support in areas of greatest need.

Make communities stronger through tangible resources like food, water and shelter.
Missions team in Dominican Republic with children

We help communities globally through:

Icon for clean water

Nearly 1 million people die each year from water-related issues. One More Child continues to build and repair water wells in global communities. We also distribute hundreds of water filters while providing training on the importance of clean water and how people can have access. Let’s build safer homes!

Icon for Education in the developing world

An estimated 617 million children are unable to meet basic proficiency levels. One More Child serves more than 1,500 children through our sponsorship program, which gives access to education. Children in our sponsorship program receive opportunities for scholarships, school fees, uniforms and books.

Icon for food and meals globally

The estimated number of malnourished people worldwide is now more than 800 million. One More Child serves more than 18 million meals annually, including more than 3.5 million outside the U.S., to families and children in crisis. Nutritious food and vitamins are essential to children and families living in extreme poverty.

Housing Icon

Poor quality housing can lead to psychological and emotional stress. Since 2015, One More Child has built more than 100 homes. In three years, over 300 homes with roof leaks, unstable flooring and kitchens without proper smoke ventilation have been repaired. We strive to build better environments and families!

Toilets and Sanitation for families in poverty

Roughly 4.5 billion people do not have access at home to a toilet that safely manages human waste. In three years, One More Child has built and repaired more than 100 latrines for families, and we also helped schools in global communities build clean bathrooms for students. The sanitation of children is crucial for a family.


(*Cost may vary depending on location)


Build a water well.

Fund a global staff position for one year.


Build or repair a home for families living in substandard housing.

Fund a training conference for pastors, leaders, parents, teens and children.


Provide 250 Bibles for churches and pastors in need of resources.

Provide scholarships for furthering education.

Administer urgent medical care, medicine and surgery for children and parents in our programs.


Build or repair toilets and latrines.

Fund an agriculture or farm project.


Sponsor a child for $42 per month ($504 annually).


All gifts are tax deductible, and all are greatly appreciated.

Your gifts feed hungry children!

$50,000 provides


$25,000 provides


$10,000 provides


Make a donation today to support our Global programs!