Diaper donations are changing lives!
“Grace Women’s Care Center (GWCC) is thankful to One More Child for assisting their Pregnancy Care Center with the diaper distributions. These diaper donations received from One More Child has been a true blessing and a great relief to our clients. Many women who come into our center are abortion-vulnerable, struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. We not only provide the Biblical counseling and a safe place to discuss their situation and options, but we also are able to provide wrap around services when the client chooses life for their child, one more child delivered from abortion. GWCC has been supplying them with diapers during their time of hardship, which wouldn’t be possible without your support.”
-Wilma Sepulveda, Grace Women’s Care Center

“Thanks to One More Child supplying these diapers, we are able to continue our mission of helping women in crisis pregnancies, which sometimes creates the loss of a job or relationship and limitation of income and support. Some women we help are from undeserved areas in an indigent condition, and we are glad we can minister to them and their families through the help of One More Child. We are thankful to God for One More Child, and together, we are reaching not only one more child, but also one more mother and family for today and eternity.”
-Ina Malgonado, Grace Women’s Care Center
Donate diapers by hosting a traditional drive, an online fundraiser, or by giving to donate diapers. Thank you for the impact you are making on vulnerable children and struggling families.

Volunteers of Grace Women’s Care Center