In our work both at home and across the globe, One More Child knows from experience that home visits are one of the best ways to truly connect with the families we serve and gain a deeper understanding of their needs.

Recently, our partners in South Asia visited the homes of families in their community to shake hands with parents, engage with children, and listen to the stories both had to share. One little boy, Rakesh, was so excited when our partners visited him that he made it his job to be their personal tour guide of his neighborhood and welcomed them into his home to show them his toys. He even invited his friends to meet his teachers.

Sitting on rough wooden benches and leaning against corrugated metal walls, our partners learned Rakesh’s father is an alcoholic and his mother works two jobs to keep her family going. Because she is often gone, she used to worry about her children’s food, homework, and medical care. But the services provided through the feeding program give her peace. Rakesh receives a monthly food basket, tutoring, and frequent medical check-ups and is attending the church’s after-school program.

Every home visit helps us measure the impact of the ministry on the child, family, and community. One More Child recognizes it is a blessing to meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of vulnerable children and families around the world! We ask for prayer for Rakesh’s family and those like his and for the privilege to continue to partner in South Asia where we believe we can make an impact for God’s glory.


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