Hope for Boys is in partnership with the Department of Juvenile Justice as an alternative to Juvenile Detention




Hope for Girls is in partnership with the Department of Juvenile Justice as an alternative to Juvenile Detention.




Hope for Boys is in partnership with the Department of Juvenile Justice as an alternative to Juvenile Detention. Young Men that come through the program will go through a mentorship program focusing on character. We purpose to help these young men see who God created them to be and help encourage healthy relationships at home. As God opens doors, we have a secondary program to this that targets pre-teens that are first or second time offenders. This has provided us with the opportunity to reach many more kids before they make the choice to continue down a destructive path.

Classes are held at the Bartholomew Center Monday through Friday (excluding Wednesdays) from 3pm-7pm.

Volunteer Needs:

We are looking for 20 additional male mentors to handle everything from transportation to meals to tutoring.

If you are interested please contact us at 813-252-9762.


Hope for Girls is in partnership with the Department of Juvenile Justice as an alternative to Juvenile Detention.

Hope for Girls ministers to young women ages 12-17 that are involved in the Juvenile Justice system.

We provide these young women with mentoring, character development, community service opportunities, and arts & crafts skills. We desire to help these young women see who God created them to be and not what society expects of them. We also take the time to reach out to their families and help encourage healthy relationships at home.

Classes are held at the Bartholomew Center Monday through Friday (excluding Wednesdays) from 3pm-7pm.

Volunteer Needs:

We are looking for additional female mentors to handle everything from transportation, to meals to tutoring.

If you are interested please contact us at 813-252-9762.


God placed a burning passion for the inner city in the heart of Pastor Ken Whitten when he moved to Tampa in 1989. For many years he carried that passion in his heart but didn’t know the plans God had in store. In 2012 God gave him a specific dream for HopeStreet, a place where the least, the lost, the hurting could find hope through Jesus Christ. A vision team was formed and through a conversation with the Mayor, Hope Street began to focus her first efforts in Sulphur Springs. The very first ministry was launched in January 2014. Adopt-A-Block placed 50 volunteers on 10 blocks and relationships began to form. Our focus since then has been to grow in areas of education and mentoring at-risk youth. We are praying for God’s direction in the next steps He wants us to take. In the coming years, we pray God will open doors in the human trafficking ministry, job placement, and further youth development.


The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Without a relationship with Jesus there is no hope. God wants to meet us where we are. There is no one beyond salvation through Jesus. John 3:16

Compassion for the Hurting

Christ showed compassion to everyone regardless of race, gender, age, or social status. It is our desire to be the hand feet of Jesus to the inner city showing compassion to everyone. Matthew 9:36

Humble Service

As modeled by our Savior, we want to serve the community with a humble heart. Matthew 20:28

Unwavering Commitment

In communities that are often plagued with aband volunteers are here to stay. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Spirit-Led Unity

Everything we do here is under prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit. We will be united in direction through His leading. John 14:26


The work that God has called HopeStreet to do cannot be seen as the work of the few of us that are here but it has to be seen as a collective work! A work that the body of Christ is called to do!


  • Pray for the Board Members to hear God’s clear direction for His vision for the next five years.
  • Pray for God to bring workers for each of our ministries.
  • Pray for the Harvest that we would see many come to know Jesus as Savior and what a full life in Christ can actually be.


There are many opportunities to serve throughout HopeStreet no matter your age. Each ministry has its own unique needs from visiting neighbors with Adopt-A-Block to personal shoppers for Loft 181 to mentors for at-risk youth. For more detailed information visit each ministry page. If you are interested in getting involved call 813-252-9762.


  • Any monetary donation is a blessing to help advance our ministry efforts. You can donate online or mail a check to P.O. Box 8190 Lakeland, FL 33802
  • Join our ERC D-A-D (dollar-a-day) initiative to sponsor a youth through our Juvenile Diversion program. It takes $365 to cover the expenses of one youth to complete the program which covers both the ERC for older youth and Hope for Boys for younger teens who are first-time offenders.
  • Currently, we do not have space to house donated items such as clothing, furniture, appliances, etc.

Are You Ready to Help Meet The Tangible Needs of Children and Families?


It is our desire at HopeStreet to help everyone we can. Sometimes that means we can personally meet specific needs and other times that means we will point you in the direction of someone who can help.

It is our policy not to pay bills but we know many agencies that can help and we will gladly provide you with their information.

We offer onsite help for GED and mentoring for at-risk youth. If you need items such as clothing, furniture, or food we can reach out to connect you with the right resources.


P.O. Box 8190
Lakeland, FL 33802