El Salvador (ES-Oct-14-2023)

El Salvador (ES-Oct-14-2023)

El Salvador (ES-Oct-14-2023)

Thank you for your heart to serve in El Salvador!

One More Child hosted a phenomenal women’s global prayer movement last fall through She Loves Out Loud Global. Thousands of women all around the world came together to share each other’s stories and struggles, and to lift each other up in prayer. We have been so encouraged to hear the desire of many women to take action and make an impact in the lives of vulnerable children and struggling families around the world. We are excited to offer this WOMEN ONLY mission trip opportunity to do just that! Check out this opportunity below and apply today. We look forward to serving with you!

Welcome to the Land of Volcanoes! El Salvador is home to more than 100 volcanos. This makes for breathtaking landscapes and fertile soil, boasting of a vast array of tropical fruit. El Salvador is also a surfer’s paradise with a long coastline bordering the Pacific Ocean. Sadly, amongst all this natural beauty, four out of ten El Salvadorians struggle in poverty. Fourteen percent of children experience growth stunting due to malnutrition and almost 25% of school-aged children do not attend school.

 In partnership with a local church and Christian school network, we are working diligently to help meet the physical, educational and spiritual needs of vulnerable children and struggling families. We do this through Community Development efforts with the local church, short-term mission trips, and our Child Sponsorship program. Sponsorship provides children a Christian education, regular nutrition, necessary medical care, and consistent opportunities to hear the Gospel. Lives are being changed in El Salvador because of people like you!”



  • Ministry & evangelism: Visit homes to share scripture and pray for struggling families, offer adult Bible studies, and more!
  • Volunteer at a school: Distribute food, present lessons to children in school, share the gospel through Bible stories and games
  • Cultural exposure: Experience the beautiful volcanos, beaches, and tropical landscapes of El Salvador


For more information on how mission teams are serving in El Salvador please click HERE.

CLICK HERE to apply for a mission trip TODAY!
Trip Details

Location: San Salvador, El Salvador
Led By: One More Child Staff
Start Date: 10/14/2023
End Date: 10/14/2023
Price: $1,100 plus the cost of international airfare*


One More Child Global Office


**International airfare varies greatly and is dependent on many factors such as time of booking, dates of travel, and country of destination. Land cost is all inclusive. ***Trip participants applying within 30 days of the date of departure are required to pay a $200.00 late application fee.

Due Dates

Application: 06/14/2023
Deposit: 07/14/2023
Airfare: 07/14/2023
Balance: 09/14/2023


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