You have the power to reach ONE MORE hungry child.

Help Feed Hungry Children and Families

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The brightest future for every family begins with nurturing its children.
When you join hands with One More Child, your generosity meets the needs of hungry children and families. Not only do you provide hope, you also save lives.

Our Solution

Our Backpack Meals program for Hungry Children and Families:

We provided more than 14 million meals to vulnerable children and families around the world in 2022. However, our mission does not end there. We recognize the importance of ensuring children in our local communities have access to nutritious meals, especially over the weekend when school lunches are unavailable.

With the help of supporters and volunteers, we package nutritious food into nondescript backpacks and deliver these meals directly to schools. Working-class individuals and families needing assistance receive fresh produce, boxed goods, canned goods, milk, juice, and more to make certain children are fed healthy, energizing food. Learn more.

Your financial gift feeds hungry children:

  • $30 = one month of weekend meals
  • $90 = three months of weekend meals
  • $180 = six months of weekend meals
  • $360 = one year of weekend meals

Did you know?

1 in 7 children go to bed hungry every night in Florida.

There are 2,314,370 people experiencing hunger in Florida – 613,180 of them are children.

Source: Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap 2023 (2021 data)

$1.5 billion...

…is the estimated additional amount needed per year to meet the food requirements of those facing hunger in Florida.

Source: Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap 2023 (2021 data)

The cost to reach ONE MORE.

Data from Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap study calculates the average cost of a meal in Florida is only $3.75. Imagine how many more we can reach with generous partners like you.

Your generosity can interrupt the cycle of hopelessness for vulnerable children and families.

One More Child is prepared to meet the urgent nutritional, financial, and spiritual needs of hungry children and families with the help of generous partners like you.
One More Hungry Child

Emmanuel’s Story

Emmanuel’s school lunch on Friday was his last full meal before returning to school on Monday – until your generosity stepped in.

For less than $10, he was able to receive meals for an entire weekend through One More Child’s Backpack Meals program.

Your gift could help us feed ONE MORE hungry child.

Give Now

About One More Child

One More Child is a private, faith-based, 501(c)(3) organization that has been providing life-changing services since 1904. Last year, we cared for 236,492 children and individuals and provided more than 14 million meals, nationally and globally. All of this was possible because more than 200,000 generous individuals like you said “yes” to training, volunteering, and awareness efforts.

Who We Serve:

Stories of Hope:

Give hope to ONE MORE hungry child.