We provide loving, Christian homes for children in foster care through licensing and equipping families to care for children who desperately need stability and hope.

Ready to take the next step in your foster care adventure?
Call Us at 1.855.512.4453

People like you are changing children’s lives by opening their homes and their hearts.

We have foster care offices throughout the state with expert and compassionate staff members who are ready to help you take the next steps to being a foster parent.


Become a Foster Parent

When you open your heart and your home to children who have endured trauma, you make it possible for them to hope and dream again. We have requirements prospective foster parents must meet, and to become licensed, individuals must go through 5-7 training classes, pass a background test and have their home inspected. Our staff provides ongoing support and encouragement for those who are sharing the love of Christ in this powerful and life-changing way.

Apply to Live in a Foster Family Home

In addition to the option to care for foster children in your own home, we have opportunities around the state for licensed foster parents to live rent-free in homes maintained by One More Child. Through our innovative Foster Family Home model sibling groups get to stay together in these multi-room, fully furnished homes and individuals who do not currently have the space or accommodations to care for several foster children have all they need to succeed.

3 Ways to Support Foster Care

Become a Foster Parent

Read through guidelines for becoming foster parents.

Lead a Foster Family Home

Learn about alternative housing arrangements.

Donate Funds

Make a difference in the life of a child with your gift.
More Than


children in Florida are removed from their homes each year due to abandonment, abuse and neglect. They need loving and stable homes. By becoming a foster parent, you can help bring children from lives of crisis to lives of belonging and love.

Contact us to start your foster care adventure today, where you’ll learn first-hand the impact of caring for one more child.

Start a Foster Crew

Not ready to become foster parents? We still need your help! Become a Super Sitter, Household Helper, Meal Maker, or Prayer Partner to provide support and encourage foster families!

Foster Crews are a creative and resourceful way for you and your church to wraparound those families with love.

We train you to manage your Crew, and we provide ongoing support to help you connect the skills and gifts of people in your church with the needs of local foster families.

Start giving foster families the support they need by starting a Foster Crew at your church today. Contact us for more information.

Meet our passionate and empowering leader.

Julia Bruce

Executive Director of Foster Care

Julia Bruce is the Executive Director of Foster Care for One More Child.

Julia began her journey with One More Child in 2014 as an Adoption Specialist and was promoted to Director of Foster Care, then Regional Director, and her current role in 2021. She has been involved in all aspects of the fostering process from licensing, and assessing prospective families and their homes, to working with the agencies within the child welfare system to recruit, train, and license foster homes.

Julia has a bachelor’s in psychology from Grand Canyon University and a master’s in professional counseling. In August of 2023, she received a master of arts in religion for leadership from Liberty University and is scheduled to begin her doctorate in January of 2024 from there as well.

She and her husband, Brian, have been married for 18 years and have been blessed with four children, as well as two grandsons.

Contact Julia

Phone: 904.721.2711


Are you ready to be a foster parent?

 Check out our most recent
Foster Care articles.

parents with toddler

The Kim Family’s Foster Care Journey

*Kelly and *Ronny Kim became licensed foster parents at the end of December 2023. Kelly, who had little prior parenting experience, felt extremely nervous about fostering. However, both…

Hope Lives Here: A Beautiful Transition for Two Foster Families

Nestled among a canopy of scattered oaks and native palm trees sits a neighborhood that looks like any other – family homes with grassy yards, kids playing basketball…
makers box is a family devotional that is good for all ages
Family Support

Maker’s Box™ as a Family Devotional

On a breezy fall morning in Austin, Texas, three of the Bonessi girls gathered around a table in their front yard for family devotional time, laughing and chatting…
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