How do I set up my account for the Sponsor Portal?

How do I create my account?

To set up your account, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. If you have not yet set up an account, you will need to set up a new password for your account:
    1. Enter your email address in the field “Email or Username”. Do NOT enter a password.
    2. Click “Sign In.”
    3. Open your email inbox. You should receive an email providing a link to set up your password. Note that the email sender is REACH, not One More Child. If you don’t see the email right away, make sure to check your spam folder as well.

How does my sponsorship work?

How do I sponsor a child?

You may view all of the children available for sponsorship by visiting our website at You can filter by a specific country, if there is a location you are particularly interested in or might like to visit one day. You could choose a child who shares the same birth month as you or a child of a certain gender or age. Perhaps you have a child or grandchild of your own you would like to choose a pen-pal for!

Once you have decided which child you will sponsor, simply click on the “Sponsor Now” button on their personal profile page and enter your contact and credit card information. You can choose to pay monthly ($42), quarterly ($126), or annually ($504). If you would like assistance in choosing a child, or would like to request a different form of payment, please contact us via email or phone at 863.577.4488.

How long is my commitment?

We hope for our sponsors to support their sponsored child until they graduate from high school, at the age of 18 or older. Some children may remain in the program past their high school graduation, if they are continuing their education or otherwise meeting their goals. In these special circumstances, we will invite you to continue your support if you so choose.

What does my sponsorship provide?

One More Child’s Child Sponsorship program meets the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of children in developing countries. The support we provide varies from country to country to ensure our care is administered in a way that is respectful to the culture and accepted by the families and communities we serve. In all countries, your sponsorship provides nutritious food, clothing, medical care, and educational opportunities for the sponsored child. Most importantly, all of our programs in each country offer opportunities for spiritual formation by hearing the Gospel and learning about Jesus.

Who can I contact for more information?

Our sponsorship team is happy to answer any questions you may have about our sponsorship program. Email us or call our office at 863.577.4488.

What are your privacy policies regarding sponsored children? Is it safe for me to post on social media about my child?

We appreciate your willingness to help promote One More Child sponsorship! You are welcome to post about your child, we simply ask that you refrain from including your child’s last name, city, exact location, ministry name, or ID number. Additionally, all photos must show children that are fully clothed and be in the child’s best interest. We respect the children and their families and work diligently to protect both their privacy and safety.

Writing to your sponsored child

Can I write to my sponsored child?

Yes! Your sponsored child will love hearing from you. You will receive a letter in the mail from your sponsored child once a year. Your child will also write back to you if you send them letters throughout the year. Please allow at least two months for your child to receive your letter and write back. We suggest waiting until you hear back from your child before writing your next letter. For security purposes, please refrain from sharing any personal contact information, including social media, in letters to your child.

How do I write to my sponsored child?

You can mail letters and photos to our office or write and send letters through your convenient online sponsor portal. Please mail letters to the following address:

One More Child
Child Sponsorship
P.O. Box 8190
Lakeland, FL 33802

Writing a Letter Online

Go to and click “Log in” in the upper right corner.

  1. If you haven’t already done so, you will need to set up a new password for your account:
    1. Enter your email address in the “Email” box. Do not enter a password.
    2. Click sign in.
    3. Check your email for a link to set up your password.
  2. Once you are logged in, click on your child’s name under “Your Child Sponsorships”
  3. Click the green “Start a Message” button on the upper right.
    1. Write your message in the “Body” text box.
    2. Add a photo using the green + “Add Attachment” button.
    3. Click the green “Send Message” button to send your message!

What should I communicate to my sponsored child? What shouldn't I communicate?

Your sponsored child will want to know all about you! Feel free to tell them about yourself, your family, your friends, job or school, favorite things (foods, hobbies, Bible verses), etc. However, please don’t share anything too personal, particularly your personal contact or social media information, or anything that may cause them to be fearful (grave illness, political unrest, etc.). Be careful not to make any promises, such as visits, gifts, etc. Please also avoid writing or photos that include alcohol or tobacco use. For the safety of our sponsors and children, One More Child reserves the right to edit letters with inappropriate content.

How often will I hear from my sponsored child?

You will receive an annual letter with a special personal message from your child, along with a current photo. You will also receive a response letter from your child whenever you write to them. Please allow at least two months for your child to receive your letter and write back. We suggest waiting until you hear back from your child before writing your next letter. In addition, a quarterly update will be emailed to you four times per year that will keep you informed of the ministries taking place in your child’s community. Another way to stay up to date on what is happening at your child’s ministry site is to view regularly updated photo albums through your online sponsorship portal. Once you are logged in, click on your child’s profile and then their country name to see the photo albums available.

Can I make contact outside of One More Child?

We ask that you respect our privacy policy and send all communication through One More Child. For both your sponsored child’s safety and yours, we do not share personal information including either your or your child’s full name or contact information (including social media).

Additional opportunities for sponsors

Can I send a gift to my sponsored child?

In order to protect family and community relationships and encourage equity, we are unable to accept additional individual gifts specifically for your sponsored child. However, it would be a blessing for you to donate clothing and other items to the country in which your child lives. Please know that we cannot guarantee this will be used specifically for your child, but we will use it to best meet the needs of your sponsored child’s community.

Each year you will receive an email that will allow you to make a financial gift to help your sponsored child and his or her family celebrate Christmas and his or her birthday. Your gift will be utilized to help us make this occasion special for your sponsored child and their family. This is a fun way to remind your child of how much they are loved!

If you choose to join us on a mission trip to your child’s country, you may have the opportunity to visit your sponsored child. During this private opportunity, we welcome you to bring a small gift (valued at $25 or less) to give to your child. We recommend gifts such as a Bible, new outfit, or school supplies, depending on your child’s age.

Can I send money directly to my sponsored child and/or their family?

To maintain the integrity of One More Child’s ministry, and to ensure that your child receives the greatest benefit from your sponsorship, money cannot be sent directly to a child or their family. All transactions must occur through One More Child.

Can I visit my sponsored child?

Yes! We offer opportunities for you to meet your sponsored child in the neighborhood they live in by going on a mission trip with us.

However, to protect the safety and well-being of our sponsored children, sponsored children are unable to come to the United States for sponsorship visits.

Can a group or church sponsor a child?

Absolutely! Many church groups or groups of friends collect money each month and work together to make a difference in the life of a child.

Can I give an additional gift for other needs?

Sometimes it happens that additional needs arise beyond what sponsorship gifts may cover. There are also times when a sponsor is unable to continue the sponsorship of their child and a short time may lapse until the child receives a new sponsor. In cases like these, we greatly depend on the generosity of others to give to our general sponsorship account in order to provide and continue necessary care for the children in our programs. If you would like to help meet these needs, click here to give a one-time or recurring gift toward our general sponsorship fund.

What other opportunities do I have to get involved?

There are many ways you can expand your impact beyond sponsorship. Consider giving an additional financial gift that will help One More Child to further strengthen the communities we serve. We also invite you to go on a mission trip with One More Child and serve the community where your child lives.