Connect your classroom with a child around the globe through Child Sponsorship.

What is Global Classmates?

One More Child’s Global Classmates program connects the children in your classrooms to a child in another country through Child Sponsorship. Through this program, each grade level connects with a Global Classmate their same age. Your students will trade letters with their Global Classmate to learn more about their culture and life in a different country.

Most importantly, your students will learn they can make a difference in the world, even at a young age, by providing critical nutrition, medical care, education, and most importantly, friendship, and hope for a child struggling in poverty.

How Does Global Classmates Work?

A Global Classmate will be selected for each grade level at your school. Your students will be the same age as their respective Global Classmate and could move up through the grades with the grade level each year. You can choose to select the children yourselves, or we can assign them for you!
Your students can fundraise to help support their Global Classmate. $42/month or $504/year provides the necessary nutrition, medical care and education your Global Classmate needs to break the cycle of poverty and enjoy a hope-filled future.
You will receive general information about the Global Classmate – where they live, their hobbies, etc. Each student will also receive a prayer card for their Global Classmate. Your students will learn about another culture and grow a heart for the nations.
Your classes can choose to write letters to their Global Classmate! It could be one letter from each classroom, or the students could take turns writing. Your Global Classmate will even write letters back – your students will be thrilled to hear back from their friend around the globe!

Global Classmates Inquiry Form

*Due to the age of sponsor children, this program is designed for school classes from kindergarten through 12th grade.

UTM Tag 

Your Classroom Resources

Each classroom will receive a welcome booklet describing your child’s cultural background, living conditions, family situation, prayer requests and more!

Each child will receive a flyer about our sponsorship program and a prayer card for their specific class child to take home and share with their family about the incredible impact of sponsorship!

Learn common phrases in your Global Classmate’s language, as well as facts about their culture and country. Distribute to class to spark ideas about how to communicate with your sponsored child.

Each school will have access to book a One More Child staff member to come to speak in-person to classes on cultural artifacts, traditions and other country-specific information for each sponsored child.

Your students will get an exclusive glimpse of the ministry location where their Global Classmate lives from the comfort and convenience of their classroom. They will get to see their neighborhood, home, church and school. Your students will learn about another culture and also witness how their giving and their relationships are directly changing lives around the world!

Students will receive a LIVE or prerecorded video session of their sponsored child through a Zoom meeting OR video streaming platform (depending on time zone and availability)! What an amazing opportunity to connect on a personal level! If the child does not speak English, no worries, there will be a translator available to help.

Global Classmates: Frequently Asked Questions

Can a grade level sponsor more than one Global Classmate?

Yes! Any grade level can agree to sponsor as many children as they would like. Just keep in mind that these children will move up through the grade levels. Because children typically mix between classes as they move through the grade levels, we highly recommend all classes interact with all of the Global Classmates for that grade level each year.

What if our classes raise more money than necessary?

If your classes raise more money than necessary, they might consider using the funds to provide a Christmas gift and birthday gift for their Global Classmates! There may be other needs that could be met as well. If the funds are sufficient, you may consider sponsoring an additional Global Classmate. Just keep in mind that we would ask this commitment be kept each year as the students move up throughthe grade levels.

How will we coordinate the financial transactions?

The best way to manage the financial transaction is to set up an automatic credit card or bank account payment. This can be set up to draft monthly ($35 per child) or annually ($420 per child). The children’s donations can be deposited into this account to be drawn by One More Child for the Global Classmate. Other payment options may be available.

What if the child moves away or leaves the program?

If your child moves away or leaves the sponsorship program for any reason, we will be happy to assign a new child in need of sponsorship to that grade level.

What are the guidelines in communicating with our Global Classmate?

We ask, for your protection as well as the Global Classmates’, that you do not share any kind of personal contact information, including addresses, emails, phone numbers or social media accounts. We also ask that no last names are shared. Please refrain from any discussions (whether written or in live chat sessions) regarding violence, weapons, alcohol, tobacco, politics, etc. Please be careful not to promise things like visits, gifts, etc. All written communications will go through the One More Child office, and students and faculty are asked not to communicate with the child without permission from One More Child.

Can we send physical donations or gifts to our Global Classmate?

We are not able to send physical donations or gifts for various reasons, but monetary gifts can be sent for Christmas and birthdays. Gifts will be purchased for the child in their country.

Will our students and families have an opportunity to sponsor a child of their own?

Yes! We would love for families to become involved in changing the lives of children around the world by sponsoring a child of their own. We will provide fliers that can be sent home with each student so they can pray about whether this is something their families would like to do.