Calling all pregnancy care centers and churches!
Join us for a FREE one-day event that will transform your clinics and ministries.
First Baptist Church of Kissimmee
1700 John Young Parkway, Kissimmee, FL
August 24, 2023
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Former Pastor
CrossWay Community Church
Orlando, FL
About David
God has worked in David’s life and ministry experiences to give him a heart and passion to be a voice for the preborn and minister the healing grace of Jesus Christ.
David serves as a volunteer staff with SaveOne, a member of MAN (Men and Abortion Network), and partners with Pregnancy Centers and Pro-Life organizations throughout the U.S. as a speaker represented by Ambassador Speakers. He has contributed chapters in two books ‘Tears of A Fisherman: Recovery of Men Wounded by Abortion’ and Ein Neubeginn (New Beginning) – Real Stories of Healing After Abortion (in German and English).

Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church Merritt Island
Merritt Island, FL
About Titus
Titus Green was raised in a pastor’s home and was born again at an early age. During his freshman year in college, he felt the distinct call of God to preach the gospel of Jesus. He has served First Baptist Merritt Island since 2004, transitioning to Senior Pastor in 2010. He is passionate about knowing Jesus, being a husband and dad, and shepherding God’s flock in Merritt Island.

Barnabas-in-Residence Pastor
Peoples Church
Cincinnati, OH
About Arnold
Pastor Arnold M. Culbreath has been preaching Jesus Christ for 37 years and is described as having a shepherding/teaching gift, and a ministry of encouragement. He strives to equip the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness of all that God has called them to be and to do, and he desires to see every local church and every Believer fulfill their destiny and live life to the fullest in God. He currently serves as the Barnabas-in-Residence Pastor at Peoples Church, the National Director of Ministry Engagement with the Douglass Leadership Institute, and the Founder/President of Breath of Life, LLC, a for-profit business-try.