As the year comes to a close, One More Child looks back with gratitude for the opportunity to continue making an impact in the lives of vulnerable children and struggling families.
In 2024, One More Child expanded its reach, cultivated new relationships, provided resources to those in need, and offered hope in the form of tangible and spiritual support—and we did it all in the name of Jesus. We served foster children, hungry children, single moms, struggling families, and trafficking survivors with our Christ-centered, trauma-informed care locally and globally.
To everyone who makes this work possible—our staff, executive leadership, board members, donors, ministry partners, church partners, and volunteers—thank you. Because of your dedicated support, we are entering 2025 confident that we will make a difference in the lives of more children, families, and individuals than ever before.
Above all, we give glory to God for His blessing over One More Child’s ministry as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our communities, our country, and our world.
In celebration of another year of seeing and serving the vulnerable, here’s a look back on some of the incredible stories of hope and life-change from this past year:
24 Stories of Hope
NOTE: Names and identifying details have been changed in the following stories to preserve privacy.
24. Love Transforms Zeke’s Life
Before entering foster care, Zeke experienced significant trauma, which led him to have no self-worth and no understanding of unconditional love. But then the Meltons welcomed Zeke into their home and faithfully worked with him, patiently encouraged him, and introduced him to the hope of Jesus Christ. During this time, Zeke experienced immense transformation and accepted Jesus as his Savior and was baptized! Read more about Zeke’s story here.

23. Renewed Stability for Luisa
Our ministry partners in Costa Rica were in the process of helping a mother and her children move out of a dangerous domestic violence situation when a mission team from One More Child arrived. Our team stepped in and assisted with every aspect of the move for Luisa and her children, who are also sponsored through One More Child. This combined support from our ministry partners and mission team provided Luisa with renewed safety, stability, and hope for the future. Read more about Luisa’s story here.
22. Tomasa’s Full Circle Moment
As a single mom, Tomasa wanted a better life for herself and her children, but she felt stuck and had reached her breaking point. Then a door opened for Tomasa to join One More Child’s Single Moms Residential Program. This program helped her end a toxic relationship, save money for her future, ultimately more than $14,000, and deepen her relationship with God. Today, Tomasa is a licensed therapist, a full-time doctoral student, and a leader of a One More Child Single Moms Community Program. Read more about Tomasa’s story here.

21. Robby Finds a New Path
As a teen boy struggling with social pressure, Robby made some risky choices that led him into serious trouble. Determined to help her son, his mom sought out help and was referred to One More Child’s Hope for Youth program. At first Robby was hesitant and withdrawn, but eventually he started to engage and accept guidance. After a month, Robby completed the entire program, which set him on a new and better path for his future. Read more about Robby’s story here.

20. Tiffany’s Fight for Freedom
At the age of nine, Tiffany began to be sex trafficked by her mother. This abuse continued for eight years until Tiffany finally broke free. One More Child came alongside Tiffany and provided her care, a safe community, and support as she walked through recovery. This past year Tiffany graduated from the University of South Florida with her bachelor’s degree in social work—she plans to use her education and personal experience to help other survivors in their fight for freedom. Read more about Tiffany’s story here.
19. Stephanie Chooses Life for Her Baby
Struggling with job loss and financial stress due to her unplanned pregnancy, Stephanie felt like abortion was her only option. Then she found a pregnancy care center that is a part of One More Child’s network and experienced vital, life-changing support and counseling. In a safe and supportive environment, Stephanie chose life for her baby and received comprehensive care that supported her through her pregnancy. Read more about Stephanie’s story here.
18. A Medical Mission Trip Fueled by Sacrifice and Compassion
Doctors Grant and Brittany Marshall, owners of Mission Family Medical in Titusville, FL, chose to shut down their clinic for a whole week and take their entire staff on a medical mission trip to provide medical care to children and families in Colombia. They served a part of Colombia that is difficult to reach due to safety concerns, logistics, and expenses. The team saw nearly 500 patients, distributed more than $2,000 worth of medication, and paid for several surgeries and other necessary treatments. Read more about this medical mission trip here.

17. Katie’s Determination to Adopt Her Brother
While growing up in an unsteady home, Katie felt responsible to care for her family, and at 19 years old, Katie decided she wanted to adopt her little brother. She fought for the best possible care for her brother until she could finally become his primary caregiver a few years later. Our Family Support program and a local partner church came alongside Katie as she cared for her brother and took the steps necessary to adopt him, which she officially did at the age of 26. Read more about Katie’s story here.
16. Edward’s Opportunity to Bless Others
Edward is a faithful partner who helps distribute resources from One More Child to those in need. Earlier this year Edward received a call from a man he didn’t know who was in crisis and needed help. Edward met the man and quickly saw that the man was barefoot. After asking what size shoe he wore, Edward remembered he had two pairs of shoes from One More Child that were the exact right size in his car. Edward made sure this man wasn’t barefoot anymore. Read more about Edward’s story here.

15. 12 Single Moms Reach a Significant Milestone
This year, 12 single moms, ages 15 to 50, completed the Single Moms Community Program in Ohio, marking a milestone in their journeys toward creating brighter futures for their children. Many participants faced challenges such as homelessness and eviction, but this One More Child program provided them with support to overcome these hurdles. While fostering a community support system, the program also offers life skills classes that range from resume building to cooking. Read more about this program’s success here.
14. Smaller Classes, Bigger Opportunities for Daniel
Daniel lives with his family in a small village in Uganda as one of the youngest among his seven siblings. He received an education through public school, but his classes often have over 100 children in one room and an abundance of distractions. However, Daniel gained newfound joy when someone decided to sponsor him during a One More Child short-term mission trip. Thanks to sponsorship, he will transition to a private school run by our partners that will provide three nutritious meals a day. Read more about Daniel’s story here.
13. Leo Gets Medical Care and a Loving Home
The Martins, a One More Child foster family, have a heart for medically needy children and earlier this year received a call about a child, named Leo, who suffered abuse and neglect and needed to be placed in a medically licensed foster home. Leo was in the hospital when the Martins were invited to meet him about a week before their placement was supposed to begin. Instead, they insisted on bringing him home that day, refusing to let him sit in the hospital any longer. Read more about Leo’s story here.
12. Maker’s Box Makes a Difference
Maker’s Box™ brings the truth of God’s character to life through creativity and can be used as curriculum for children nationally and globally. Maker’s Boxes are often used during One More Child mission trips and at our global ministry partner locations. Earlier this year more than 1,000 children in Uganda went through Maker’s Box lessons and learned about their identity as sons and daughters of God. Read more about the impact of Maker’s Box globally here.

11. Little TJ’s Big Impact
At 3-years-old, TJ made it his personal goal to collect diapers for children in need and he has held an annual One More Child diaper drive for four years now. This year, at the age of 7, TJ collected over 270 boxes—totaling 25,583 diapers— that will make a massive difference in the lives of vulnerable families. TJ’s example serves as a reminder that we can all make a difference right where we are—we just need an open, generous, and sincere heart. Read more about TJ’s story here.
10. Victims Identified and Perpetrators Arrested in Sting Operations
One More Child’s Anti-Trafficking program has a strong relationship with sheriff’s offices across the state of Florida, and this year we participated in two sting operations with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. Together, sting operations “March Sadness” and “Autumn Sweep” led to the arrest of 385 individuals with human trafficking related charges. Multiple potential victims of human trafficking were also identified and connected with One More Child’s Anti-Trafficking Mobile Teams—with the understanding that many survivors are not ready to identify as victims initially. Read more about these sting operations here and here.
9. The Graves Family Gives Love and Stability to 3 Siblings
Although the Graves were concerned about not having prior parenting experience, they decided to follow the call from God to be foster parents and became licensed through One More Child. Then, they received an unexpected placement—a sibling set of three with 3-year-old twins and their 4-year-old sister. These siblings had already experienced multiple placements, but only occasionally were placed together. Now, thanks to the Graves’ willingness to accept all three siblings, they remained together in a loving, stable, Christian home. Read more about the Graves’ story here.
8. Relief Provided Following Historic Hurricanes
Following the two back-to-back historic hurricanes that brought devastation to communities across Florida and the southeast, One More Child mobilized our teams to provide quick and efficient relief for those in need. Through our hurricane relief efforts, we provided 5 million meals, 4 million pounds of food and water, and 303,000 diapers to vulnerable children and families. We held many distribution events, including one at our headquarters in Lakeland. Through this time of hardship, we saw God work in miraculous ways. Read more about our hurricane relief efforts here.

7. Family of 11 Receives a Helping Hand
Deanna and her husband Israel struggled to support their nine children. They made sure all their children had beds, but still lacked other household items, as well as a bed for themselves. Then they got connected with One More Child’s Family Support program in Houston which provided this family with a bed for the parents, pillows for the entire family, new bedding, blankets for each of the kids, cleaning supplies, and diapers and wipes. Deanna expressed her gratitude in a thank-you letter to our staff. Read Deanna’s letter here.

6. A Brighter Future Takes Shape for Maria and Her Daughter
From a young age, Maria had a tenacious spirit. She recently arrived in the United States from Cuba and worked tirelessly to provide for her daughter, but she still struggled to make ends meet. Then she got connected with One More Child’s Single Moms program in Miami and received housing, support, guidance for her next steps, and a car through the Recycled Rides program. Maria is currently enrolled in college to pursue further opportunities and build a brighter future. Read more about Maria’s story here.
5. Changing Lives Like Meena’s in South Asia.
In a leper colony in South Asia, 15-year-old Meena experienced isolation and hardship as a disabled teenage girl in this community. Then One More Child opened a daycare center that provides family support, educational opportunities, and even has a brand-new computer lab set up by a mission team. Meena experienced transformation in her physical wellbeing, educational opportunities, mental health, and faith in Jesus. She wrote a thank-you letter and shared with our team, “Your help is changing lives.” Read more about Meena’s story here.
4. Gwen’s Transformation from Satanist to Saved
Gwen, a young girl in foster care came to Loft 181 determined not to encounter Jesus—but God had a different plan. After shopping, Gwen joined her group in the Gospel room, but made it clear she was a satanist and wasn’t interested in God. A few weeks later, Gwen came back and shared that she couldn’t get the good news of Jesus out of her mind. She decided that following Jesus was worth a try and prayed to God, accepting Jesus as her savior! The Loft 181 team rejoiced with Gwen and offered her support in her faith journey. Read more about Gwen’s story here.

3. Lucas Finds His Forever Home at 14
In the span of three months, 21 children were adopted by One More Child foster families—and one of them was Lucas. In 2017, the Fuller family welcomed 6-year-old Lucas into their home and cared for him until he was reunified with his biological father. Sadly, a few years later, Lucas was removed again, and reunification was no longer an option. The Fullers immediately welcomed Lucas back, first as a foster child, and then, as their adopted son. When Lucas discovered that he could officially be adopted, he came with adoption papers in hand, got down on one knee, and asked them to be his parents. The Fullers answered with an enthusiastic “Yes!” and on June 20, 2024, the Fullers adopted 14-year-old Lucas into their family forever. Read more about Lucas’ story here.
2. Lanita’s Journey from Exploitation to Empowerment
At 15 years old, Lanita fell into the hands of a trafficker and was coerced into a life of exploitation. When DCF found her and identified her as a victim of human trafficking, they referred her to One More Child to help process her trauma and rebuild her life. With One More Child, she learned healthy coping skills, boundaries, and resiliency to protect her from potential re-exploitation. She also started a job, surrounded herself with safe friends, worked hard to earn her GED, and fought to take back her voice from those who exploited her. Read more about Lanita’s story here.
1. God’s Presence in Every Story
These stories represent a portion of God’s transformative work of hope through One More Child, but we believe that every child, family, and individual we serve has a story of hope that is worthy of celebration. Whether a person comes to One More Child for a one-time need of diapers during an especially difficult week or whether they receive help from our programs long-term, we believe God is present and working in every interaction, every circumstance, and every opportunity.
It is a blessing that for 120 years One More Child has been able to love and serve the vulnerable as the hands and feet of Jesus. But with this blessing also comes the reality that we live in a broken world where the cycle of heartache, anguish, and suffering continues.
As troubling as this reality may be, this is the promise we cling to, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6 (ESV)
God is not done yet—He is still working, He is still present, and He is still King. Praise God for His faithfulness! God invites us to join Him in this good work and in His mission.
Let’s join God in His mission next year and for all the years to come!
Thank you to everyone who was a part of One More Child’s impact in 2024—here’s to more stories of hope in 2025!