Great News!
The Florida Strong Families Tax Credit was established in 2021 to support eligible charitable organizations that provide services focused on child welfare and well-being. One More Child is honored to be one of only a select few organizations in the state approved as a designated charity. Under the program, corporate taxpayers can make private monetary contributions to a designated charitable organization and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit against the following Florida taxes:
- corporate income tax
- gas and oil production severance tax
- insurance premium tax
- use tax due under a direct pay permit
- certain excise taxes
What does this mean for you?
You can make a charitable donation to support vulnerable children and struggling families through One More Child, instead of sending taxes to the state.
$40 million will be available to corporations to apply for under the Strong Families Tax Credit at 9 a.m. on Thursday, January 2, 2025. The funds are allocated on a “first come, first serve” basis and historically, the available funds are claimed very quickly (minutes/hours vs days/weeks). Please mark your calendars to go online to reserve an allocation on behalf of One More Child on January 2, 2025.
But, due to an additional allocations of funds for the current year, there are still funds available NOW that can provide critical funding to allow One More Child to serve vulnerable children and struggling families TODAY!
Next steps:
We encourage you, your CFO, or your CPA to see the full information from the Florida Department of Revenue, here. If you do not already have an account with Florida Department of Revenue’s Multi-Use Tax Credit, you will need to create one here.
For allocations still available in the current tax year, log into the Muti-Use Tax Credit site and submit your application now, then at 9 a.m. on Thursday, January 2, 2025 return to the site and submit your application for 2025.
This is an incredible opportunity to support One More Child. Without you, our mission to serve vulnerable children and struggling families would not be possible. Thank you for your continued support. Your contributions are monumental to serving one more child!
If you have any questions about this process or need any assistance, please feel free to reach out to Leon Battle, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, by phone at 239.292.0588 or by email.