Romania (RO-May-20-2026)

Romania (RO-May-20-2026)

Romania (RO-May-20-2026)

Thank you for your heart to serve in Romania!

Romania is a beautiful country, rich in history and culture. It is home to numerous castles and fortresses, and to the famous Carpathian mountains. Post-communist Romania is home to many driven individuals working toward political and social progress. However, during this extended season of healing and development, the children of Romania need our help! According to a study by the World Bank, 25 percent of the Romanian population live on less than $5.50 a day, and about 28 percent of the poor live only on crops they grow themselves.

One More Child’s partnership with a local ministry creates ministry opportunities in Romania to serve the severely impoverished Roma population living in gypsy villages.

On your mission trip you may have the opportunity to:
  • Visit homes to share scripture and pray for struggling families
  • Facilitate a sports clinic or camp
  • Provide training for parents, such as parenting, health, and financial
  • Provide a health/medical/dental clinic for children and families
  • Share the gospel with children through Bible stories, crafts, and games
  • Serve hot meals to hungry children
  • Assist in an after-school tutoring and discipleship program
  • Assist with construction or maintenance projects
  • Experience the beautiful countryside, people, and culture of Romania!

For more information on how mission teams are serving in Romania, please click HERE.

CLICK HERE to apply for a mission trip TODAY!
Trip Details

Location: Oradea, Romania
Led By: One More Child Staff
Start Date: 05/20/2026
End Date: 05/29/2026
Price: $1,400.00 plus international airfare*


One More Child
(863) 577-4488


*International airfare varies greatly and is dependent on many factors such as time of booking, dates of travel, city of departure, and country of destination. Land cost is all inclusive. ** Trip participants applying within 30 days of the date of departure are required to pay a $200.00 late application fee.

Due Dates

Application: 01/20/2026
Deposit: 02/20/2026
Airfare: 02/20/2026
Balance: 04/20/2026


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