Even at this moment, there is an individual falling to the dark world of sex trafficking.

A predator is gaining their trust, maybe a “friend” they met online.

Trafficking – it’s happening where you are.


There are 51,073 substantive phone calls, text, Webchats, emails, or online tip reports nationwide. (National Human Trafficking Hotline, 2021).


Florida is home to the 3rd most reports of human trafficking of any state in the nation. (National Human Trafficking Hotline, 2021).


As of 2018, 55% of victims met their trafficker online.” (Thorn Survivor Insights, 2018)

Every Child in Every City deserves to be protected from sex trafficking.

Host an Anti-Trafficking Group Gathering
Know the Signs of Trafficking
One More Child is helping trafficking survivors begin a new life by providing expert leadership, holistic care, and powerful advocacy. We are also working to prevent more children and adults from being trafficked while predators financially profit.
Mobile Teams

A Dynamic Trauma-Informed Approach

Mobile teams assess the needs of survivors, connect them with essential community resources, deliver clinical services, and provide mentorship throughout a survivor’s journey of emotional, physical, and mental recovery. Each mobile team consists of a supervisor, clinician, advocate, and peer mentor, forming a multidisciplinary approach to serving survivors.

Contact Mobile Teams

Meet our passionate and empowering leader.

Jodi Domangue

Vice President of Program Operations and Public Policy

Jodi serves as the Vice President of Program Operations and Public Policy for One More Child. Since joining One More Child in 2014, Jodi has played a pivotal role in launching One More Child’s Anti-Trafficking program to include both opening of our first safe home, and the establishment of our multi-disciplinary mobile teams. Under Jodi’s leadership, One More Child’s Anti-Trafficking services and expertise have impacted human trafficking survivors throughout the state of Florida, and have expanded to Tennessee, North Carolina, and Ohio. Jodi’s expertise have been sought on a local and national level in the areas of public policy, child safety, community collaboration, trauma competency, and self-care.

In addition to the work she has done in our Anti-Trafficking program, Jodi has also held in key leadership roles in One More Child’s Foster Care program and as the Executive Director of the Single Moms program where she oversaw five residential campus locations, and was integral in launching One More Child’s Single Moms Community Program which allows us to bring aid to single moms throughout the U.S. and internationally, helping them to break the cycles of poverty.

She began her career at the Department of Children and Families where she worked on the state of Florida’s first specialized unit investigating human trafficking cases and became a certified human trafficking specialist. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and criminology and a master’s degree in criminology from Florida State University.

Contact Jodi

Phone: 863.687.8811

Help Restore Sex Trafficking Survivors.

 Check out our most recent
Anti-Trafficking articles.


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