Throughout the week I spent in Guatemala, I had so many heartbreaking, heart healing and heart humbling experiences. Throughout the trip I witnessed so much joy in the hearts of the community, but more importantly, I witnessed faith unlike I had ever encountered.
A standout moment was watching mothers play with their kids on the first day of VBS with such an incredible amount of joy. Whether it was blowing bubbles, or playing soccer, watching the moms and their children have so much fun overflowed my heart with joy. That simple moment is one that left the most impact on me.
Through listening to testimonies of the parents, interacting with the children, and watching my teammates do the same and have life changing experiences of their own, I learned about the culture of Guatemala and the circumstances of the families, but also about the hearts that their community has for Jesus. I witnessed how selflessly they love and care for one another, and how much faith they have in their hearts expectant for what Jesus will do.

This trip inspired me to continue pursuing missions and helped me realize an opportunity to be a part of serving God’s children in ways I wasn’t aware by getting involved with One More Childs ministry through an internship. Not only did I get to serve a community of incredible families, but I also realized how God is calling me to be a small part of expanding his Kingdom.
This experience left a lasting impression on my heart and has left me expectant of the things God will continue to do in Guatemala.

Be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in practical ways on a mission trip with One More Child. Serve in Guatemala making a life-changing difference for vulnerable children and struggling families.