Global Ministry in
South Asia

South Asia is a region of extreme diversity geographically, religiously, and socioeconomically. Poverty in this region affects children, families, and individuals through high infant mortality, malnutrition, child labor, lack of education, child marriage, and HIV/AIDS, along with other significant health issues. Listed as an area within the 10/40 window where there are high concentrations of unreached people groups, the need for Christ-centered services is more important than ever!

This is why One More Child has partnered with an amazing local ministry who provides care for trafficked children, orphaned children, and those suffering from leprosy through community development efforts, child sponsorship, and mission teams.


Mission Trip Icon, representing One More Child's Global focus
Mission Trips

Ministry opportunities in South Asia for short-term mission teams include sharing the gospel through VBS style activities such as Bible stories, crafts, and games. Additionally, teams could provide skill training in their area of expertise for young moms and their children as they learn necessary life skills. A way for teams to show the love of Christ is by participating in feeding programs for those who are at high risk for human trafficking, as well as those who live in a leper colony.

Go On a Mission Trip
Icon with a child representing child sponsorship
Child Sponsorship

Sponsoring a child from this area provides them with the means to break the cycle of poverty and have hope for a brighter future. Our Child Sponsorship program includes a monthly food basket for children, regular community trainings and consistent opportunities to hear the gospel.

Sponsor a Child
fighting malnutrition and helping communities
Community Development

One More Child has partnered with an amazing local ministry to provide Christian education for children, support for foster families and those suffering from the physical and social effects of leprosy. Additionally, we offer pastoral care and training for our network of 300 churches. To strengthen communities and meet their need for clean water, we also build water wells in South Asia.


YOU CAN Make a Difference Globally

opportunities to minister to women in South Asia

Go On Mission

Experience being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in tangible ways to impact children and families around the globe.

Ministry Opportunities in South Asia could include:

  • Ministry and evangelism
  • Education
  • Community Outreach
  • Cultural exposure
mission trips to South Asia
ministry to a boy in south asia

Sponsor a Child

Child Sponsorship meets the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of children all around the world. For only $42 a month you can provide critical nutrition, education, medical care, and opportunities to grow spiritually to a child in poverty. You will also be able to build a relationship with your sponsored child through letters. Join us on a mission trip to visit your sponsored child.

Sponsor a child in South Asia
donate money to one more child


A gift of any size will make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children around the globe. Give a gift today and plant hope and a future for a child in need. Your gift can be used to provide hot meals to hungry children, a clean water well for a whole community, a college education for a young adult, or a safe home for a family in need around the world.



You can change lives through your prayers!
Prayer is a powerful tool, that’s why we invite you to pray for children and families in South Asia.

Pray for:

  • Stable and safe home environments.
  • Spiritual mentorship for children and families in our community.
  • God’s provision for their physical needs.
  • Opportunities that provide a way for families to escape the cycles of poverty.
  • Ministry Opportunities in South Asia to grow and expand.

Stories of Global Impact

Child Sponsorship

Graduation Celebration for 12 Students

Education has the power to create opportunities, cultivate success, and invigorate hope. For a special group of students in Haiti, access to education transformed their lives.   One More…
Child Sponsorship

Prayers for Medical Care Are Answered

Many struggling families and single moms work diligently to meet their family’s needs, but sometimes find that it is still not enough. This was the case for Beatriz*,…

Mission Trip Highlights 2024

One More Child is dedicated to helping children in need in the U.S. and around the world, and one way we accomplish this is through mission trips.   Mission…

Access Helpful RESOURCES

Thank you for your heart for vulnerable children and families around the globe. Access helpful flyers and videos to share about our global ministry locations with your network of friends and family. If you are joining us on a mission trip, we offer a variety of resources that will help you prepare for and promote your trip.


Your generosity can make a difference in the lives of others.