As followers of Christ, we affirm the worth of every human life from conception, as echoed in Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV), “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” It is our sacred duty to advocate for the voiceless and support expectant mothers and fathers during this critical time. We encourage you to rise for life—tell your church and communities how Amendment 4 will endanger precious lives, share these resources, and most of all, vote “no” on Amendment 4.
Early Voting starts October 26th
General Election is on November 5th

Claiming to restore Roe v. Wade, the amendment allows abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, repealing all existing Florida laws and safety measures regulating abortion.

This initiative removes the requirement for parental consent, which would permit underage, vulnerable girls to undergo this life-altering procedure without parental guidance to help them in this critical time.

With this amendment, any “health care provider,” not just physicians, could approve abortions, including late-term procedures, without ensuring medical necessity. Under Florida law, “health care providers” are not limited to physicians and could include employees who work in the health care setting.

There are no protections for the unborn child with this proposed amendment, allowing for abortion right up to the moment of birth, including cases where the baby can feel pain.

Utilize our library of printable resources and digital graphics to equip your church or community with critical messaging about Amendment 4 (English/Spanish).

Launch a community-based program to provide support to foster families and single moms, or host a resource drive to help meet critical needs in your area.

Register to attend One More Child’s Sound the Call conference on October 24-26, 2024 designed to challenge and encourage churches, pregnancy care ministries, and others on the front lines in the fight for life.
How One More Child is striving to uphold the sanctity of human life