Facing Unplanned Pregnancies, Together

One More Child brings together pregnancy care clinics and resource centers to support and assist women facing unplanned pregnancies as part of a comprehensive Sanctity of Human Life program.

With an extensive network of more than 200 pregnancy care centers, clinics, and life ministries, One More Child serves women nationwide and worldwide, ensuring they receive direct care, resources, and guidance when needed.

In 2022, One More Child served 23,411 clients both nationally and globally. 3,272 clients were educated about their options for adoption, and 998 babies were saved from abortion.

What Is a Pregnancy Care Clinic?

Pregnancy care centers and clinics (PCCs) support expectant mothers, offering free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and essential resources. These centers also offer post-abortion care, emphasizing emotional and spiritual support for expectant mothers and fathers in need.

With a focus on promoting alternatives to abortion, pregnancy care centers and clinics provide opportunities for clients to hear the Gospel and find Hope.

Recently, we also launched the Sanctity of Human Life Leadership Summit.

Fighting for Life

The annual Sanctity of Human Life Leadership Summit seeks to connect and transform pregnancy care centers and ministries fighting for life. If you missed this year’s event, here is a recap playlist of what you missed, starting with session one.

Sanctity of Human Life Leadership Summit


You Can Be a Leader for Life

sanctity of human life leadership summitThere is no act too small to make a difference. As an individual, you can provide life-changing resources to a mother or family facing an unplanned pregnancy. Donating much-needed baby items to your local Christian crisis pregnancy care center is one way to help. Also, you can also help a family raise the financial resources needed for a private adoption.

To support PCCs who care for women facing unplanned pregnancies, take one of these steps:

Find out if your church supports a local PCC and become a volunteer. If there is a PCC in your community, reach out to learn how you can serve. If you want to start a PCC, we are here to help. Finally, watch this year’s Sanctity of Human Life Leadership Summit to learn more and consider attending next year.

Greater days are ahead as we pray and seek God’s will and empowerment to serve together in the Church – to reach one more child, one more mother, and one more father – believing our communities will be strengthened with the light and hope of Christ in these profound times. Join us!


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